雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. How to apply. Eligibility. To apply for our HSBC Jubilee Wealth Insurance Plan, you'll need to meet both of these requirements: The insured person must be aged between 15 days after birth and 75 years 4. Meet our criteria for nationality (country/region/territory), address and residency – which are subject to change from time to time.

  2. [4月26日] 專題影片:與《金融時報》一起解鎖投資趨勢. 準備好與我們的首席投資總監開啓一段富有洞見的旅程,他們將深入探討多個影響金融市場的關鍵議題... [3月26日] 專題報導:儘管存在通脹憂慮,但聯儲局鴿派言論提振市場. 一如預期,聯儲局一致投票決定將聯邦基金利率維持在 5.25-5.5% 不變,已經是連續第五... [3月22日] 每月專訊:央行同步政策轉向宜增加股票配置. 多國央行(聯儲局、歐洲央行與英國央行)同步釋出的鴿派訊息,增強了市場對6月份減息的預期,對... [4月5日] 緊貼外匯市場走勢. 外匯淺析:美元將延續強勢,但…… 2024 年以來,由於市場大幅調整對聯儲局減息的預期,美元跑贏其他十國集團貨幣。 [4月23日] 每日外匯快訊.

  3. Wealth Management. Legacy. Mapping your legacy journey. The beauty of legacy planning. Scenario : Mr. and Mrs. Chan’s total estate assets worth HK$20 million with HK$8 million as their business. They would like to enjoy the retirement and ensure their children receive an equal share of their estate after they pass away. Without Legacy Planning:

  4. 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司(「本行」) 自2016 年1 月1 日至2017 年2 月21 日(即本行發布截至2016年12 月31 日止財政年度的董事會報 告當日)在任的本行附屬公司(如香港《公司條例》(第622 章)所定義)董事芳名如下:

  5. 我是遺產代理人,在親人去世後,我應採取甚麼行動? 我們對此深表遺憾。首先,您需要領取親人的死亡證明書,並將該證明書連同其他補充證明文件提供給我們,我們便可向您提供已故客戶名下的滙豐戶口截至去世當日的結餘紀錄。

  6. HSBC HK. Investments. Products. Structured Products. Equity-linked Investments. Important risk warning. What is an equity-linked investment? An equity-linked investment (ELI) could help you capture potential wealth opportunities even when the market is volatile or stagnant.

  7. The HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund -SuperTrust Plus is a mandatory provident fund scheme. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices or investing in the MPF Default Investment Strategy (the ‘DIS’). You should note that the DIS Constituent Funds, namely, the Core ...

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