雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐每周專訊:股票及地緣政治衝擊. 聯儲局於2023年7月最後一次加息以來,防守股(一般為避險資產)一直是市場上表現最差的行業... [4月22日] 專題影片:與《金融時報》一起解鎖投資趨勢. 準備好與我們的首席投資總監開啓一段富有洞見的旅程,他們將深入探討多個影響金融市場的關鍵議題... [3月26日] 專題報導:儘管存在通脹憂慮,但聯儲局鴿派言論提振市場. 一如預期,聯儲局一致投票決定將聯邦基金利率維持在 5.25-5.5% 不變,已經是連續第五... [3月22日] 每月專訊:央行同步政策轉向宜增加股票配置. 多國央行(聯儲局、歐洲央行與英國央行)同步釋出的鴿派訊息,增強了市場對6月份減息的預期,對... [4月5日] 緊貼外匯市場走勢. 外匯前瞻:美元堅挺,但金價仍創歷史新高.

  2. 香港滙豐. 滙豐強積金(MPF) 累積表現. 重要事項. 滙豐強積金智選計劃為強制性公積金計劃。 在作出投資選擇或投資「預設投資策略」前,你必須衡量個人可承受風險的程度及財政狀況。 請注意「預設投資策略成分基金」(核心累積基金與65歲後基金)、「預設投資策略」或某一項成分基金未必適合你,而「預設投資策略成分基金」或某一項成分基金的風險級數與你的風險取向或出現風險錯配的情況(組合的風險或高於你的風險取向)。 如你就「預設投資策略」或某一項成分基金是否適合你(包括是否符合你的投資目標)而有任何疑問,請徵詢財務及╱或專業人士的意見,並因應你的個人狀況而作出最適合你的投資決定。 你應注意「預設投資策略」的實施或對你的強積金投資及累算權益有影響。

  3. HSBC Broking is a leading broker dealer in Hong Kong, offering investment services. Find out our vision, mission, values and why customer chooses us.

  4. Important notes. The HSBC Mandatory Provident Fund -SuperTrust Plus is a mandatory provident fund scheme. You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices or investing in the MPF Default Investment Strategy (the ‘DIS’). You should note that the DIS Constituent Funds, namely ...

  5. HSBC Broking is a trusted broker dealer in Hong Kong. It provides investment services including Risk Profiling, Accounts, investment knowledge, etc.

  6. Open a private banking account. What you get with HSBC Global Private Banking status. Manage your wealth, your way. Get support from your dedicated relationship manager and unlock our extended set of products, services, and privileges to meet your goals and manage your wealth. Create a legacy that lasts.

  7. Products. Personal Instalment Loan. Greater financial flexibility is just a few steps away. Borrow up to HKD3 million or 23 times your monthly salary, whichever is lower, and pay it back in instalments over a period of up to 60 months. Get approved and withdraw cash in just a minute [@loans-withdrawin1min].

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