雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 移民搬運服務 相關

  2. 自設運輸車隊,取價公道,放心之選,歡迎來電查詢! 多年經驗,專業的搬屋團隊,提供高質量搬屋,搬琴服務,包裝拆卸,細心可靠。


  1. 4 天前 · 兌美元 0.6522 / 0.6773 ⬆. 兌港元 5.0953 / 5.2816. 由於澳洲就業數據好壞參半,圍繞澳洲央行政策立場的鴿派情緒導致澳元兌美元昨天下跌。. 此外,澳洲10年期公債殖利率下跌至4.2%左右,削弱了澳元的走勢。. 澳元兌美元昨日下跌0.22%,而澳元兌港元收於5.20 ...

  2. 5 天前 · 拜登政府已經完成對中國301 條款關稅的法定四年期審核,此關稅為特朗普政府於2018 年首次引入。. 審核結果顯示拜登政府將保留現有的301 條款關稅,並將在2024 至2026 年期間對價值180 億美元的中國進口產品加征關稅。. 特別是,拜登政府將把目前對 ...

  3. 5 天前 · 本报告由香港上海汇丰银行有限公司(简称“HBAP”,注册地址香港皇后大道中 1 号)编制。. HBAP 在香港成立,隶属于汇丰银行集团。. 本报告仅供一般传阅和资讯参考目的。. 本报告在编制时并未考虑任何特定客户或用途,亦未考虑任何特定客户的任何投资目标 ...

  4. 5 天前 · 澳元. 支持位 / 阻力位. 兌美元 0.6532 / 0.6783 ⬆. 兌港元 5.1068 / 5.2931. 澳元兌美元昨日上漲,創4個月新高,原因是風險情緒改善以及美國消費者物價指數數據疲軟導致美元疲軟。. 此外,有關可能計劃緩解國內住房過剩問題的消息亦支撐了澳元。. 澳元兌 ...

  5. 5 天前 · Only when the total value of goods targeted became much larger amid the various rounds of Section 301 tariffs – about USD360bn eventually or around 70% of China’s exports to the US (based on 2017 trade data), USD-RMB rose by 13% from 6.35 to 7.20 between 2Q18 and 3Q19. So, USD-RMB could face upward risk if US tariffs become much wider in scope.

  6. 5 天前 · vs HKD 5.6936 / 5.7660. CAD rose against the US dollar yesterday, touching its strongest level since Apr 10 as the USD eased broadly after softer than expected US inflation data. CAD was further boosted by a rise in oil prices due to strong oil demand. USDCAD fell 0.34% yesterday while CADHKD ended at 5.74 level.

  7. 4 天前 · vs HKD 8.4947 / 8.7007. CHF fell against the dollar yesterday as the USD strengthened broadly. Meanwhile, Swiss Producer and Import Prices decreased by 1.8% in Apr on y-o-y basis, showing a slight improvement from the previous decline of 2.1%. USDCHF rose 0.44% yesterday while CHFHKD ended at 8.60 level.