雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 稅務借貸 相關

  2. WeLend 網上貸款,全A.I. 處理,即時提取大額現金流。貸款低息至1.88%,現金即日過數。 申請免入息及住址證明,A.I. 24x7處理申請,即批即過戶。提取貸款享高達$12,000現金獎,立即申請


  1. 聯絡方法. 地區: 深水埗區. 地址: 九龍深水埗南昌街338號. 電話號碼: 2776 1123. 附加電話號碼: 沒有. 傳真號碼: 2776 5978. 電子郵箱: lksca@skhwc.org.hk. 網址: http://www.skhwc.org.hk. 宿位. 牌照. 服務質素. 人手、設施及服務. 免責條款:社署長者資訊網內個別安老院及/或認可服務單位的服務概覽所提供的資料只供參考之用。 雖然社會福利署 (社署)將定期更新服務概覽內的資料並盡力確保這個網頁上的資料準確無誤,但社署並不對該等資料的準確性作出任何明示或隱含的保證。 部份資料由安老院及/或認可服務單位提供和核實。 如欲索取更多服務資料,請與個別安老院及/或認可服務單位聯絡或瀏覽個別安老院及/或認可服務單位網頁。

  2. Disclaimer: Information presented in the service pages of individual Residential Care Homes for the Elderly (RCHEs) and/or Recognised Service Providers (RSPs) of the SWD Elderly Information Website are for reference only. Whilst the Social Welfare Department ...

  3. Address (Chinese, Simplified): 九龙定安街86-88号、定富街9-17号多喜大厦地下5号铺及定富街17号多喜大厦阁楼、1字楼及2字楼. Telephone Number: 2750 9803. Fax Number: 2246 9833. Email Address: tingfu010@hotmail.com. Gender of Service Target:

  4. Nursing Home Place Purchase Scheme. Note: The service information on this website is only confined to RCHEs licenced under the Residential Care Home (Elderly Persons) Ordinance (Cap. 459, Laws of Hong Kong) and joining NHPPS. For further details, you may click here linking up to the Social Welfare Department website.

  5. Speech Therapist Remarks: this home will make use of the infirmary care supplement / dementia supplement from Social Welfare Department to hire additional social worker, nurse, and therapist for residents in need 言語治療師 備註:本院以社署療養照顧補助金/照 ...

  6. FRENI CARE AND ATTENTION HOME - Part 1 RCH - Basic Information

  7. Nil. Fax Number: 2417 2840. Email Address: kwaichungko@gmai.com. Website: Nil. Remarks: Some contact information is pending submission by the residential care home for the elderly and/or recognised service provider.

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