雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 要確認好你的在留卡隨時在有效期內,如果搬家的話,要到當地政府機關去登記搬入搬出。 如果更換了工作,也是需要去登記的。 相關更新信息會有一部分反映在在留卡上。

  2. 2019年3月18日 · Prior to 2013, if a beneficiary’s jusho was outside Japan, they were considered a “limited taxpayer,” and were liable only for inheritance tax on assets in Japan at the time a relative passes away. However, in April 2013, Japan introduced changes to its inheritance tax laws designed to target Japanese nationals who were giving up their citizenship to avoid taxes on their overseas assets.

  3. 2017年1月26日 · 1.与电话公司签约. 与电话公司签约是最常见的开通方式。. 在日本,与电话公司签约开通电话,电话本身的费用会分担在每个月的月料金里。. 公司会给你提供电话号码和网络数据定额,支付方式一般是银行转账或信用卡付款。. 这种签约方式最方便和常见,但 ...

  4. 大阪城位於大阪城公園的中心,占地面積十分廣闊。 大阪城周圍散布著地鐵“天滿橋站”,“森之宮站”,“谷町四丁目站”和“大阪商業公園站”,然後是JR的“森之宮站”,“大阪城公園站”,“大阪城北站”以及京阪線的“天滿橋站”等8個車站,但無論從哪個車站出發,步行到天守閣都要 ...

  5. 在九十九島珍珠海洋遊覽區,您可以乘坐遊覽船在島嶼之間歡樂暢遊。. 還有很多魅力之會在別的文章中問您介紹。. 1. 大家一起暢遊豪斯登堡、領略世界第一夜景的光之王國!. 豪斯登堡是一處重現17世紀荷蘭街景的主題度假勝地。. 園內備有完善的遊樂設施 ...

  6. 2019年9月3日 · All travelers with IC passports arriving at Narita Airport’s Terminal 3 can use the electronic customs declaration gate! Previously the system had been in place for limited users as a test run, but now it's being rolled out for public use. Simply use a smartphone app instead of a form, scan a QR code, and you could get through the gate in ...

  7. 2018年1月16日 · It has lots of scenic sites including Katamachi, the oldest shopping street in Japan. In this article, you will learn about Katamachi's history and what you can expect to find when you visit. Katamachi is seated in the central part of Kanazawa. A wide range of shops, cafés, restaurants and bars stand side by side along highway route 157.

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