雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 口才訓練進階班. $ 1,200.00. 課程目的. 本課程旨在為曾修讀口才訓練班之學員而設,亦歡迎鑽研口才的在職人士報讀。. 課程內容. 本課程以導師經驗分享,學員實操為本,聲量吐字,說話內容結構,掌握說話口才技巧,有組織及邏輯地表達,加強學員營造思維 ...

  2. Founded in 1959, Hong Kong School of Commerce has a teaching presence spanning over six decades in Hong Kong. Our individual premises in Tsim Sha Tsui is registered with the Education and Manpower Bureau. We have been committed to nurturing commercial, accounting, education, IT and secretarial professionals, who are constantly in great demand ...

  3. We demand very high standards of behavior and discipline from our students. Our teachers, who are chosen after a rigorous selection process, all have master’s and/or bachelor’s degrees from local or prestigious overseas universities, and many of them possess professional qualifications as well. In addition to this we constantly upgrade our ...

  4. 課程內容. 讓學員認識電視及電影的編劇知識,透過作品導賞及研究掌握編寫劇本的步驟和技巧。. 入學要求. 18歲或以上,副學位學歷或以下的香港合資格僱員。. 申請人需是影藝文化從業員或有意轉職影藝文化業工作及具中五學歷程度的人士;及. 提交一份電視 ...

  5. Pearson LCCI Qualifications January–December 2021 Examination Timetable – FINAL Notes 1. Submission of Examination Entries to Examination Centres Candidates must check with their Examination Centres for the registration closing dates which at overseas

  6. 報名考試日期留意本網站公佈,考試科目每次都有機會不一樣。 任何人仕均可以報考LCCI考試,無需一定為本校學生。 如報名考試,需遞交報名表 (親身到校)。 無需准考證,考生必須帶同身份證應考。 考試成績及證書約於考試後 4 個月發放,需親身到校領取,若是代領的情況請出示同學之身份證明 ...

  7. 專業會計文憑. 此課程旨在為學生提供廣泛的商業和會計知識和技能,以便他們在會計領域内學習和專業發展。. 完成本課程後,學生將能夠在商業及會計領域内擔任會計人員,並為學生打下堅實的會計知識基礎。. 1. 商業管理概論. 2. 財務會計要領. 3. 管理會計概論.