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  1. 2020年6月8日 · The idea of creating Food Paper came from her son Yuto. Now 14, Yuto has been conducting research on making paper from food for five years. Mixing in vegetables to make paper also addresses another issue – the lack of mulberry trees used to make washi. Less and less farmers are producing the plant, forcing some craftspeople to grow it themselves.

  2. 2022年5月25日 · 本次大動作將包材從塑膠變成紙質的創舉成功獲得第44回木下賞包装技術賞其中合作的凸版印刷提供可持續包裝解決方案有助於解決從包裝材料的採購處理和回收的問題例如使用再生塑料的包裝材料和可以用單一材料回收的包裝材料

  3. 24小時營業超好逛|西友 SEIYU. 日本最大的超市集團,也是日本至今來客率第一的西友超市。. 除了價格優惠以外,大多數的分店都是24小時營業。. 過去在全國更有多達300間的24小時營業的分店,不論是家庭主婦還是辛苦工作的上班族都非常的方便。. 西友的另 ...

  4. 2022年5月25日 · Learning to Make Japan's Most Durable Washi Paper. Vicki L Beyer Updated May 25, 2022. Handicrafts. Hand-made washi, once Japan's standard paper material, is still produced in workshops large and small across Japan.

  5. 2020年7月1日 · 日本版“限塑令”来了. 虽然说7月1日开始实行限塑政策,但许多店家,尤其是大型连锁超市等,都已经提早实行不主动提供塑料袋的政策,为了应对没有携带环保购物袋的消费者,现场也依照尺寸与材质,售卖价格不等的塑料袋。. 依据日本政府的规定,店家仅 ...

  6. 2017年11月1日 · The workshop is located in Echizen, Fukui Prefecture, which is known as the oldest washi production center in Japan. Echizen washi is made from the bark of paper mulberry, mitsumata shrubs or the gampi tree, which often are mixed with a mucilaginous substance known as neri that is made from the mashed root of the tororo-aoi plant.

  7. 2018年12月27日 · The Intricate Detail of Kirie Paper Cutting. Kirie (切り絵, literally "cut picture") is the Japanese art of paper-cutting. Variations of kirie can be found in cultures around the world, but the Japanese version is said to be derived from religious ceremonies and can be traced back to around the AD 700s.