雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月10日 · 如包含 Tesla 的 Supercharge 及 Wall Connector,其實目前電動車充電站數目已經達 7,415 個,包括 4,225 個中速充電位及 1,151 個快速充電位,遍布全港 18 區。. 配合香港政府近年積極推動電動車普及政策,不同品牌也陸續在港推出電動車,例如奧迪 Audi、寶馬 BMW、本田 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Why Do You Need A Tow?
    • Call-To-Tow Procedures and Precautions
    • Common Factors Affecting Towing Costs
    • Hong Kong Tow Truck Fee
    • Does My Car Insurance Cover Tow Service?
    • How Can Comprehensive Car Insurance Help Me?
    • Find Out More About Towing Services and Roadside Assistance

    There are a thousand reasons for towing a car, you name it, your car breaking down on the road, battery suddenly dying, tire bursting, running out of gas, crashing, etc. In short, basically when a car suddenly fails and cannot be driven, the driver needs to call a tow truck to tow the car to the garage for further inspection and maintenance. In add...

    In the event of a traffic accident in the middle of the road, the car owner should turn on the hazard warning lights, and then drive the car to a safe location such as the shoulder of the road or a passing place before calling for a tow truck. If the car breaks down in a tunnel, you should call the tunnel management company first. The tunnel compan...

    The towing company will ask the driver the following questions related to the car or the situation. These may affect the towing charge.

    In Hong Kong, the price of a day trailer ranges from HK$400 to HK$800. The price at night and late-night hours will be more expensive than daytime by HK$250 to HK$400. However, there are also towing companies that charge flat rates regardless of the time of day. As mentioned above, the longer the distance, the higher the trailer fee. Same-area towi...

    While tow-trucks or specialist towing vehicles are helpful in an emergency situation, the overall cost of requesting for their services can be expensive. Fortunately, with the right car insurance plan, your vehicle may be covered. It is therefore imperative that you read the terms and conditions of your car policy, and know what is and isn’t covere...

    By offering more extensive cover than third party only and third party fire and theft policies, comprehensive car insurance covers everything that third party policies cover (including fire and theft), while also protecting the driver’s own vehicle.

    If you’re looking for vehicle towing service and car insurance in Hong Kong, our experts at Kwiksure are happy to help you at any time. As Hong Kong’s leading car insurance broker, Kwiksure can help you find the best third party insurance and comprehensive insurance. Contact us or visit our website for a free, no-obligation quotetoday.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2024年4月5日 · 簽二手車買賣合約時的注意事項. 簽訂二手車輛買賣合約時,除了列明上述所列的資料,同時也要注意下列事項:. 仔細閱讀合約條款才簽署. 核實雙方身份證明文件或商業登記証. 細心檢查底盤/車輛識別號碼、引擎號碼與車輛登記文件 (牌簿)上所登記的是否 ...

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  3. 2023年10月31日 · 作為新手司機,要操控車輛以及兼顧路面情況,一心幾用絕對是個挑戰,所以新手司機選購人生第一部車,不妨留意以下 8 點: 車身體積 - 不宜太大,方便睇位操控. 引擎馬力 - 大馬力型號對新手來說或較難掌握,1,500 c.c. 以下較適合. 二手操車 - 新手司機易有輕微碰撞令車身受損,為免肉痛可考慮二手車. 量力而為 - 不宜將所有資金用作買車,預留資金作 停車場及保險 等. 熱門型號 - 如果選購車輛型號太冷門,日後轉手時車價或會大幅貶值. 可靠耐用 - 選擇耐用度較高的型號,減少維修開支. 自動優先 - 就算考獲手波牌,亦建議選擇自動波,以便專注吸收路面經驗. 安全指標 - 可參考 IIHS(美國公路安全保險協會) 對二手車的安全測試結果. 1.

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  4. 2020年9月9日 · 自行檢查二手車實用貼士. 作者: Kwiksure 團隊 分享: 在香港購買二手車,除了靠車行替你檢驗之外,自行先檢查一次也是非常重要的,特別是如果你是私人買車的話。. 因為向車行買車的話,只要挑選一家信譽良好的二手車行,挑選到有問題二手車的機率 ...

  5. 2024年4月22日 · 前座後方可加裝屏幕供後座乘客使用,除提供多媒體娛樂,能設定車內冷氣、座椅等功能。 廠方特別強調車內系統不但支援 Apple CarPlay ,甚至可將 iPad 直接加裝在前排座椅後方,以吸引一眾 Apple 用家。 此外,冷氣系統裝有 CN95 濾芯,提供 PM2.5 實時監測、 AQS 空氣質量檢測系統及抗菌蒸發器。 買家可額外加購智能冰箱,提供 2 度至 15 度及 35 度至 50 度儲存溫度,能夠隨用家喜好擺放凍飲或暖飲。 小米電動車 SU7|電池 & 續航距離. 3 個版本的 SU7 採用不同電池,SU7 是 73.6 kWh 刀片電池,SU7 Pro 是 94.3 kWh 寧德時代神行電池 ,而 SU7 Max 是 101 kWh 寧德時代麒麟電池 。

  6. 2023年11月29日 · 又名重型混能,是最傳統的混能車設計,集引擎及電動摩打於一身,內置電池儲存電動摩打所產生的電力作為動力輔助。 可利用純電力推動車輛,但視乎電池容量,一般純電力行駛距離約為 30 - 60 km。 Mild-Hybrid 微混能車. 硬件配置上與重型混能 Hybrid 車輛相若,同樣具備引擎、電動摩打及電池。 但 Mild-Hybrid 的電動摩打輸出較低及電池容量細小,電力主要用於輔助起步或車內電器使用,不可以純電力直接推動車輛,優點是成本較低不會將車價推高。 Plug-in Hybrid 插電混能車. 顧名思義,Plug-in Hybrid 提供 Plug-in 功能,即除了由引擎發電機所提供電力外,亦可藉由外插電源為車內電池充電,減低對燃油的依賴。