雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年4月11日 · Teaching English. Japanese nursery schools, or hoikuen (保育園), are day-care centers that take care of children while their parents are at work. Both public and private options are available, accepting kids from less than a year old to elementary school age (6 years old). For the older kids, hoikuen services are very similar to kindergarten ...

  2. 行程 櫻花 富士山 一個人旅行. 曽我別所梅林在距離神奈川縣小田原市約8公里的位置,是全日本享有盛名的賞梅景點。. 梅林歷史悠久,最早是600年前駐紮在小原田的北條將軍為了鞏固兵糧,才在村子裡開始種植梅花。. 而到了江戶時代,這裡成為來東海道度假 ...

  3. 2016年11月2日 · The Kanamara Matsuri (Steel Phallus Festival ) is a Shinto event that officially started in 1969 in the city of Kawasaki, just outside of Tokyo. Held annually on the first Sunday in April, this festival may seem silly on the surface but has a longstanding history. According to one legend, a demon in the Edo Period (1603-1868) had unrequited ...

  4. 2017年1月26日 · There's quite a long list of dos and don'ts when it comes to business etiquette in Japan, so to simplify it we have compiled 10 common business manners you're likely to encounter. 1. Wait Before Sitting Down. When visiting someone else’s office, wait until the host says “Please, have a seat,” before sitting down.

  5. 2017年11月2日 · Oh, and there’s Hikone Castle’s mascot, better known as Hikonyan. The samurai helmet wearing cat was born on Hikone Castle’s 400th anniversary in 2007, meaning he’s ten years old this year! That’s why the Hikone Sightseeing Association had to get creative when advertising Hikone Castle’s 410th anniversary.

  6. 新宿. 想要探索東京的夜生活,建議一定要走一趟「新宿」,感受一下24小時都不停歇的不夜城氛圍。. 包含24小時營業的居酒屋或餐廳等餐飲店外,入夜後的酒吧數量也多到令人難以數計,如此的新宿堪稱是日本夜生活的歡樂代表地區。. 其中特別推薦人聲鼎沸的 ...

  7. 2022年5月30日 · Japan is famous for its many “Top Three” lists, with one of the best-known being Japan’s Three Famous Castles. Called sanmeijo (三名城) in Japanese, the castles on this list have been chosen based on their significance to history and culture, as well as their scale and grandeur. 3. Nagoya Castle (Nagoya City, Aichi) Nagoya Castle ...

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