雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 這座由玻璃幕牆與鋁合金構成的立體幾何圖形建築物,巍然矗立在港島中區,雄視維多利亞 港。 中銀大廈屢獲香港和國際建築設計大獎的殊榮,包括:2022年香港綠色建築議會「綠建環評」既有建築2.0版最高級別的鉑金級認證、2002年香港建築環境 ...

  2. Bank of China set up a branch in Hong Kong In 1917, Bank of China set up its branch in Hong Kong. Rooted in Hong Kong, the Bank has been serving and growing with the city, and has now become a key financial group with the largest branch network in Hong

  3. Established on 1 October 2001, Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited (referred to as Bank of China (Hong Kong) or BOCHK) is a locally incorporated licensed bank. Bank of China (Hong Kong) is a leading listed commercial banking group in Hong Kong in terms of ...

  4. IncomeGrowth Annuity Insurance Plan. Product Type : Life Insurance. Insurer : BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited. IncomeGrowth Annuity Insurance Plan ("the Plan") underwritten by BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited ("BOC Life") provides you with both life insurance and financial planning.

  5. If Forever Glorious ULife Plan II - Simplified is applied, this benefit is only applicable to Terminal Illness suffered on or after the 2 nd Policy Anniversary. Minimum withdrawal amount is RMB10,000 / USD1,500. From the 1 st to 10 th policy years, the withdrawal amount must not exceed 20% of the Surrender Value at that time, and the Sum ...

  6. 中銀集團人壽保險有限公司 (「中銀人壽」)的中銀人壽延期年金計劃 (終身) (「本計劃」) 是一項獲保險業監管局 (「保監局」)認可的合資格延期年金保險計劃,而保單權益人作為年金領取人有機會可享稅項扣減。. 本計劃提供終身年金入息及人壽保障,助您現在 ...

  7. 生命的美麗在於可以延續。您相信今生努力得來的豐盛需要好好守護,才能延續下去,讓您與家人的未來變得更豐富、更美滿。中銀集團人壽保險有限公司(「中銀人壽」)特別推出守護未來終身壽險計劃(「本計劃」),一項財富增值及嚴重疾病保障兼備的計劃,守護您與摯愛,讓愛護一生相隨。

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