雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月11日 · 5月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: April 11, 2024. 推薦5月的東京嗎? 5月初的黃金週是日本的長期連假之一,從白天到晚上氣候都較為溫和,天氣好的日子很多。 每年都會舉辦眾多傳統活動,是體驗日本祭典的絕佳季節。 5月的東京天氣如何? 白天的平均氣溫是23.6度左右,晚上則是14.6度左右。 若想配合5月清爽的春季氣候,只要穿上牛仔褲和短袖衣服就行了。 由於晚上還有些許涼意,不妨帶上一件薄外套。 5月的人氣活動與祭典. 鯉魚旗慶典(兒童節) 5月5日是日本的「兒童節」。 人們習慣在這天掛起鯉魚旗,以祈求孩子健康成長。 在高達333公尺的 東京鐵塔 上,會掛起333幅鯉魚旗; 東京晴空塔 更會有1,000幅以上的鯉魚旗迎風飄揚。 神田祭.

  2. 2024年4月13日 · 4月. 5月. 吸菸區 |. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 多摩地區 > 高尾山及附近景點 > 高尾山若葉祭. 在新綠景致美麗絕倫,也是米其林三顆星評鑑景點的高尾山舉行的「高尾山若葉祭」。 4月上旬左右櫻花盛開,接近5月時整座山脈被青綠色的嫩綠色包圍。 活動期間預定有當地英雄秀以及街頭藝人表演、童謠音樂會、大正琴演奏等。 此外,還有八王子傳統藝能的車人偶公演等,不分年齡從孩童到年長者都可盡興的活動琳瑯滿目。 這是享有勝過秋天紅葉盛名的春季高尾山,獻給徒步旅行的遊客與家人或朋友一起享樂的活動。

  3. 5 天前 · 2024-4-21. Updated: March 19, 2024. 被指定為東京都無形文化財的太太神樂是在神前進行的技傳統祭神儀式。 在品川神社舉行的此祭神儀式據傳源於1600年著名的關原合戰前,德川家康為了祈求勝利而獻演的祭神舞樂表演。 舞者會戴著自江戶時代 (1603-1867)流傳至今的古老面具,配合知名樂師的音樂獻演12曲神樂表演。 在春季例行大祭典時則會獻演「四方拝之舞」、「稻荷之舞」等6首神樂表演。 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 新馬場站 | 北口 | 步行1分鐘. 京濱急行. 網站. 東京南部. 品川・天王洲. 關鍵詞. 4月. 開放時間. 14:00起. 關於舉辦狀況、時間及費用等最新資訊,請至各活動官方網站查詢。 參考連結. 品川神社. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 >

  4. 6 天前 · 2024-4-20. Updated: March 1, 2024. 淺草流鏑馬是江戶時代(1603-1867)淺草神社過年時所舉辦的傳統活動。 台東區至今依然承襲許多傳統儀式,而此流鏑馬也是每年都可看到的活動。 騎馬射箭的英姿相當勇猛,彷彿重現當時的錦繪版畫。 獎勵射穿三個箭靶的弓箭手的「賜祿儀式」也是相當優雅的儀式。 另外,還會舉辦模仿從前練習射箭情形的「草鹿」儀式,將草綁成鹿的形狀當成標靶。 查詢地圖. 網站. 東京東部. 淺草. 關鍵詞. 4月. 春. 開放時間. 開始與結束時間請至官方網站查詢。 費用. 3,000日圓 (詳請請洽詢台東區觀光課。 關於舉辦狀況、時間及費用等最新資訊,請至各活動官方網站查詢。 參考連結. 台東區網站 (JPN) 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 >

    • Koinobori Festival
    • Kanda-Matsuri Festival
    • Sanja Matsuri
    • Kurayami Matsuri
    • Jindai Botanical Gardens Spring Rose Festival
    • Tokyo Port Festival
    • Kachiya Matsuri
    • Design Festa

    In Japan, May 5 is celebrated as Children's Day. It's a tradition to decorate your garden with koinobori (carp-shaped streamers) as a way of praying for the healthy growth of your children. 333 koinobori are displayed at Tokyo Tower, which is 333 m tall. At TOKYO SKYTREE TOWN, you can see over 1,000 koinobori swimming in the breeze.

    Kanda Myojin Shrine's Kanda-matsuri Festival is considered one of the three great festivals of Edo (as Tokyo was once called). Its roots can be traced back to the 8th century. The "Honmatsuri," or main festival, is held every other year in odd-numbered years. A scaled-down "Kagematsuri" is held in even-numbered years. However, the Kagematsuri is pu...

    The three-day Sanja Matsuriin mid-May honors the three men involved in founding the famous Sensoji Temple in Asakusa. It offers a great opportunity to experience the atmosphere of the old heart of Tokyo. Expect lots of music, portable shrines, and delicious festival food.

    This festival is held at Okunitama-jinja Shrine. It is called the "Darkness Festival" because the procession of mikoshi (portable shrines) takes place at night. Kurayami Matsuri takes place between April 30 and May 6. Note however that the rituals held between April 30 and May 2 are not open to the public. From May 3 on, there are exciting events h...

    The Jindai Botanical Gardens are home to Tokyo's largest rose garden. It has around 5,200 rosebushes of 400 varieties. The best time to see them is during the Spring Rose Festival, which is planned to feature events such as concerts and markets. You can also buy rose-related food and souvenirs. There are benches and tables set up in the gardens, so...

    The Port of Tokyo was opened to international trade on May 20, 1941. Each year, the Tokyo Port Festivalis held in honor of the occasion. Numerous organizations associated with the port host a variety of events, such as tours and rides on specialized ships.

    Kachiya Matsuricommemorates an event that took place nearly 1,100 years ago, when Taira no Masakado took arms against the imperial court. After praying for good fortune at Katori-jinja Shrine, Fujiwara no Hidesato (a court bureaucrat) succeeded in suppressing the revolt. He then gifted a bow and arrow to the shrine as a token of gratitude and named...

    Design Festais a huge international art and design event. Held at Tokyo Big Sight, it brings together over 10,000 artists representing a broad range of creative activities, including music, painting, fashion, crafts, photography, performances, and more. At Design Festa, visitors can hear directly from artists about their work, and can participate i...

  5. 5 天前 · Daidai Kagura, a designated Intangible Cultural Property of Tokyo, is a traditional ritual that is performed before Shinto deities. Legend says that this ritual, which takes place at Shinagawa-jinja Shrine, originated with an offering by Tokugawa Ieyasu to pray for victory before the famous Battle of Sekigahara in 1600.

  6. 2024年3月30日 · Bunkyo Azalea Festival (Tsutsuji Matsuri) 文京つつじまつり. Bunkyo Azalea Festival (Tsutsuji Matsuri) Legend has it that Nezu Shrine was established more than 1,900 years ago by a prince named Yamatotakeru. It is known for its 300-year-old azalea garden, which spans 6,600 square meters, and features approximately 3,000 azalea plants of ...

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