雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年7月28日 · What's special about Horoyoi is that it regularly changes its lineup. Currently, there are 10 regular flavors, including grape, cola, peach, plum wine and lemon. Also, there are two limited flavors for Winter 2016: strawberry and "premium white" (milky soda). Store shelves will also be stocked with a new white grape flavor from March 2016.

  2. 2017年1月26日 · 要参照上图正确穿着。. 男生要把腰带系在胯的位置,女生要系的更高一些。. 最重要的是,浴衣的左侧一定要盖在右侧上。. 在日本,只有死去的人着装时才会把浴衣的右侧系在外边。. 千万不要忘了这一点。. 读了上边这些小规矩之后,你就能毫无担心的舒服 ...

  3. 2017年6月7日 · 東京的神社如此之多,推出的各式御守更是多到難以數計,而這間從新宿出發只需10分鐘就可以到達的東京私房景點「阿佐谷神明宮」,則提供有一條設計唯美且經過神明加持的超好運稀有御守!. 與伊勢神宮擁有很大淵源的「阿佐谷神明宮」,是東京都心中較少 ...

  4. 2017年10月16日 · Cherry blossom viewing parties aren't just an excuse to get drunk in a public place, but a traditional practice of celebrating the coming of spring that has become an important part of Japanese custom. As the Sakura Kaika Zensen (さくら開花前線), or "Cherry Blossom Blooming Front" begins its sweep from south to north across the country, Japanese people get ready for the hanami (花見 ...

  5. 2018年8月10日 · The famous Japanese folk legend of Kaguya-hime (also known as The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter) tells the story of a beautiful princess found in a bamboo stalk who eventually returned to the moon. Built with that story in mind, Kinnotake is a playful, extraordinary inn constructed in harmony with the nature of Hakone.

  6. 2017年9月30日 · Ramen Holiday Shopping Nagasaki Undiscovered Japan. Nagasaki champon ramen got its start at Chinese restaurants looking for a cheap, nutrient-packed dish for Chinese students studying in Nagasaki during the Meji Period (1868-1912). Since then, Nagasaki champon has spread across Japan, with shops sprouting up all over the country.

  7. 所在地址:鹿兒島縣大島郡與論町大金久海岸. 開放時間:百合之濱約每年3至10月開放. 官方網站: http://www.yorontou.info/spot/e000014.html. 島上必試的鄉土美食! 海蘊褐藻素麵 by「お食事処 味咲」 暢泳以後,肚子應該也餓了吧? 在大金久海岸附近就有一家人氣冰店兼餐館,名字叫「お食事処 味咲」,最為旅客所熟悉的自然是店內提供的多款口味冰品,尤其在炎熱的夏天更是旅人們的消暑聖品。 不過,單是冰品又如何能滿足飢餓的肚子,所以店家還有提供溫熱的飯菜來溫飽旅客的胃。 這碗「海蘊褐藻素麵」,是繼冰品以外必吃的美食之選,也是地道的與論島傳統美食。

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