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  1. 2022年8月3日 · After registration of “Username” and “Password”, you can login to “Credit Card Online” or “Standard Chartered Online Banking”, to see your credit card details such as transaction history, payment due date, amount and 360° Reward Points, subscribe for/view your credit card eStatements and set up SMS alerts. If you need to access ...

  2. Enjoy up to a total of HKD500 instant discount for Klook travel products with your credit cards. Also, earn up to 5% year-round CashBack with your Smart Card! Learn More. Travel to the fullest. Live life to the fullest. New clients can get 50,000 Asia Miles and up to 5% p.a. savings rate by signing up for Priority Banking and Marathon Savings ...

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  3. 2022年10月27日 · 網上櫃位取票服務. 想節省等候時間,去分行前先取票,或者您可以透過網上理財執行交易而無需到分行而節省更多時間! 了解更多. 現鈔預留服務. 網上預留港元或外幣現鈔. 立即預訂. 觀看影片以了解更多數碼化服務. 網上理財教學:更改個人資料. 流動理財教學: 申請支票簿. 流動理財教學: 開立新定期. 想查看更多影片? 按此. SCB.ChatBot.

    • Tip 1 排除法
    • Tip 2 集中必要性消費,聰明地換取優惠
    • Tip 3 增值財富

    了解自己的消費中,那些既不必要,又不會令你特別快樂。 例如:每月出糧你都習慣在某間網店添置新衫,機械式將貨品放進購物車、付款、收貨,每月就這樣花掉$1000 ,但…新衣偏偏不常穿,拆開包裹時的喜悅感亦已逐漸遞減。 當你發現這項購物無法帶給你太大快樂,就應該減少這項支出。 (連衫也不能買,生活會不會太苦悶?) 先別絕望,因為聰明地消費能將你的金錢花得最划算,以最少的金錢,獲得最多的快樂。 例如,閱讀原來令你喜悅感更大,單單幾行字,已能讓你去一次心靈旅行,將眼前的煩腦拋諸腦後,而一本書亦不算貴,相較之下,每月多買一兩本書,就能提升回心靈的滿足度。 『少了支出,但快樂指數不變,甚至更高。』

    有些消費省無可省,例如零食,例如咖啡。 當你發現自己每天都會在便利店買一罐咖啡,每罐咖啡承惠 $10,那為何不一次過網購一箱30罐,盡享「原箱優惠」?每罐節省數元,折合下來每年儲蓄的金額也變得可觀。加上善用信用卡優惠,也有機會得到積分或回贈!

    面對通脹壓力,錢的價值會隨著時間而遞減。所以儲蓄 除了「支出」的考慮,還要為現存的「資本」做好管理。 採用相對穩健的投資策略,管理好風險並為資本帶來增值。你的資本更多,處理支出的靈活性也自然更大! 以爲投資只是有錢人的玩意? 例如貌似門檻頗高的基金,其實透過渣打投資,認購金額低至$1,000,可能比買一手藍籌股的門檻更低,全新基金客戶更可享0%認購費優惠1! 無從入手亦毋須擔心,你可從Fund Select參照渣打基金團隊每月精選的數十隻基金,更可參考與你相似的投資者可能感興趣的選擇。 你可能會問,有些消費…幾年一次但金額大,如一部新款手機,正正令你剎那間失去了可增值的「資本」。其實這可用信用卡簽賬分期來輕鬆解決,只要懂得善用,分期付款亦可是助您增值財富的好幫手。 使用渣打SMART卡付款,...

  4. Credit Card Bills Payment. Standard Chartered Mobile Banking App gives you the convenience & flexibility of checking & paying credit card bills at anytime you want. Standard Chartered Digital Banking and Automated Banking provides 24-hour banking services to take care of your financial needs, like cheque deposit and more.

  5. This hyperlink will bring to you to another website on the Internet, which is published and operated by a third party which is not owned, controlled or affiliated with or in any way related to Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited or any member of Standard Chartered Group ( the "Bank").

  6. 5 guiding wealth principles. We use 5 guiding principles - Discipline, Diversification, Time in the market, Risk & return and Protection to manage, grow and protect your wealth. This ensures your investments remain robust and investment decisions are consistently applied to meet your goals.