雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ATTENTION: 1. Online Membership Services and Members’ Mobile App Maintenance (issued Friday, 3 May) 2. Change of Group Exercise Studio Classes’ Cancellation Cut-Off Time (issued Wednesday, 1 May)

  2. Join the Racing Masterclass Series, a fun and interactive online event that tests your knowledge of horse racing and the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Learn from the experts, compete with other members, and win fabulous prizes. Don't miss this chance to enhance your racing skills and experience.

  3. Introduction. There are four main types of Membership of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, namely Racing Membership, Full Membership, The Racing Club Membership and Corporate Membership, with special privileges and services attached to each type. Mainland Membership is a Membership with Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse operated by Beijing Hong ...

  4. 主頁 | 耀目冬日巡禮 | 香港賽馬會. 節日指南. 目錄. 耀目冬日巡禮. 令人期盼的閃亮佳節,以連串慶祝活動揭開序幕。 與摯愛親朋共餐、派對歡聚、佳節購物、碰杯淺嚐,為每個珍貴時光增添滿滿的節日光彩,閃耀出一個心動難忘的佳節盛薈。 精選推介. 「耀目佳節巡禮」為您點亮佳節時光. 下載香港賽馬會會員手機應用程式 . . 耀目冬日巡禮 2023, 香港賽馬會.

  5. A Glowing Extravaganza 2023, 香港賽馬會, The Hong Kong Jockey Club

  6. 允許使用者 只供全費會員、公司會員及會所會員使用 來賓 歡迎攜同來賓 衣著準則 休閒便服 有關衣著準則,請按此查閱 應遵守事項 所有年齡人士均可使用 個人物品不得放置在桌子或椅子上以佔據桌子 超過15分鐘未使用桌子均被視為已離場,餐廳保留釋放桌子的權利

  7. *又名 The Hilltop in The Valley 所有日子: 停車場運作時間為: 星期一、二、日及公眾假期: 上午 6:00至午夜 12:00 星期三至六: 上午 6:00至凌晨 1:00 持有並於擋風玻璃上展示有效無線射頻辨識泊車證之會員或附屬卡持有人可於停車場停泊車輛,惟需視乎車位供應情況而定。

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