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  1. 2020年5月9日 · 英文中,通常医美我们会用Aesthetic Medicine,医学美容,也有用Cosmetic Medicine Aesthetic有美学的、审美的意思,在医药科学方面,有美容的含义;而medicine,常用作药的意思,这里可译为医药、医学,比如中医是Chinese Medicine,西医是Western

  2. a shop where you can get a particular service, especially connected with beauty or fashion: a beauty salon美容院. beauty salonuk/ˈbjuː.ti ˌsæl.ɒn/us/ˈbjuː.t̬i sə ˌlɑːn/noun. a place where your hair, face, and body can be given special treatments to improve their appearance. (美容院在Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English ...

  3. beautician uk / bjuːˈtɪʃ.ən/ us / bjuːˈtɪʃ.ən/ noun. a trained person whose job it is to improve the appearance of a customer's face, body, and hair, using make-up and beauty treatments, often in a beauty salon. cosmetologist uk / ˌkɒz.məˈtɒl.ə.dʒɪst/ us / ˌkɑːz.məˈtɑː.lə.dʒɪst/ noun mainly US. a trained person whose ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. Dictionary Chinese-English Under construction. 美容院 () beauty salon. less common: lady's hair parlor. See also: 美容 n — beauty n. ·. cosmetology n. ·. beauty care n. 美容 — beautify. ·. improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery) ·. make oneself more attractive. See more examples • See alternative translations.

  6. a shop where you can get a particular service, especially connected with beauty or fashion: a beauty salon 美容院. beauty salon uk / ˈbjuː.ti ˌsæl.ɒn/ us / ˈbjuː.t̬i sə ˌlɑːn/ noun. a place where your hair, face, and body can be given special treatments to improve their appearance.

  7. 2017年7月7日 · 例如:. In this treatment, we offer exfoliation with the use of a special tool. (在這療程中,我們運用特別工具提供去角質的服務。. Don't exfoliate your skin if you are sunburned. (如果你曬傷的話,千萬別去角質。. eyelash extension 接睫毛. 接睫毛就是讓原本的睫毛更延伸出去 ...

  8. 美容】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:improve one's looks美容;hairdressing理發; 做發; 理發業; 美發劑;cosmetology美容學,整容術;。 漢英詞典提供【美容】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等