雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · Banking internships. Are you ready to experience the world of banking? Are you looking for an immersive internship experience, that will give you first-hand experience of what it’s like to work in a global organisation? If so, check out our internships in Hong Kong.

  2. The digital interview is simply a way for us to learn more about your prior experiences and how they relate to the role you’re applying for at Standard Chartered. You’ll log into our Pymetrics platform, and have some time to familiarise yourself with the process before you’re asked to record and submit your answers.

  3. 渣打银行积极鼓励员工的个人抱负与组织的未来业务战略相结合,大力投入在每一位员工的未来技能提升和职业成长。. 杨晓海渣打中国人力资源部总经理 奖项 除了2024年大中华区“女性至臻职场”奖项,渣打中国在2023 及2022 年赢得了诸多人力资源方面的奖项 ...

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  4. “全球客戶經理”是企業統一的業務溝通介面,負責調動和協調渣打全行的資源,全面滿足企業在所有渣打網絡覆蓋市場內的金融需求。 充分發揮廣泛的全球網絡優勢和業務專長,為客戶提供優質產品和服務,並積極參與和支持大灣區經濟和金融的高水准開放。 粵港澳大灣區業務. 在中國持續改革開放,推動建設開放型世界經濟的大背景下,承諾將粵港澳大灣區業務作為當前的戰略重點之一,渣打銀行成立了一支專門的大灣區團隊,以推進大灣區的戰略規劃、管理和業務計畫,專門為大灣區的客戶提供無縫支持和優質金融服務。 2020年,在廣州設立渣打大灣區中心。 免責聲明. 本網頁資訊由渣打集團任何一間或以上成員編製。

  5. Just as much as we want you to be successful in the role you’re hired into, we also want to help you access opportunities and connections, outside your core role. We’ll help you discover ways to fulfil your career goals, surface hidden talents, acquire new skills and unlock your potential.

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  6. 3 天前 · If you’re looking for a career with purpose and want to work for a bank making a difference, we’d love to hear from you. If you're interested in responsible banking, global trade, and more, check out our early career programmes to start your career in finance.

  7. 2024年8月21日 · Learn about the importance of preparing for your application, online assessments, interviews and assessment day. By immersing yourself in these resources, you’ll be better prepared and more confident as you navigate our recruitment process. Applications tips. Online assessment tips. Interviews tips.

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