雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年10月26日 · Neither can we! And that's why we're excited to hear that Radwimps, the equally successful rock band behind its soundtrack, has released a short clip previewing four tracks from the movie: "Dream Lantern," "Zenzenzense," "Sparkle" and "Nandemonaiya"—all in English. With less than a month to go until the physical soundtrack's international ...

  2. 2017年5月13日 · Missed your chance to see the decade’s biggest anime hit in theaters? Soon you’ll be able to watch it at home—region-free, and without the language barrier! While Makoto Shinkai’s anime hit Your Name has received a wider release in English-speaking territories than many other animated films from Japan, it’s still not on the same scale as mainstream movies’ distribution.

  3. 【深度日本】風潮再現! 日本單口相聲「落語」的全新演譯與文化傳承 | All About Japan. pixta.jp. 2021年6月,知名日本歌手 米津玄師 為日劇《離婚活動(リコカツ)》創作的新歌《死神》大獲好評。 這首同樣以傳統古典落語的經典劇目《死神》為創作靈感的歌曲,將故事濃縮進了短短三分鐘的歌詞裡。 究竟《死神》講的是什麼樣的故事呢? 而代表日本傳統的演藝文化「落語」又在年輕人的心中佔了多少份量呢? 延續同時傳承文化的演藝方式,隨著時代的演變似乎又流行了起來。 古典落語題材《死神》的新舊呈現. 米津玄师《死神》MV截图(https://youtu.be/8nxaZ69ElEc) 這是一個想要自殺的男人,在生無可戀之時被死神找上的故事。

  4. 以別府灣和街道的夜景,然後藉著遙遠的四國佐田岬為遠景,在此可以盡情享受其壓倒性的開放感和遠眺的樂趣。 地址:大分縣別府市觀海寺1. 交通:別府站搭乘出租車10分鐘. 官網: http://www.suginoi-hotel.com/taiwan/ 世界絕景也有入選! 佐賀縣「浜野浦棚田」 地處玄海町一角的浜野浦地區,覆蓋著像從海岸衝上樓梯一樣的層層梯田,像是大自然描繪出來的曲線。 大大小小的梯田調和之美恰到好處,也將土地本就稀有的日本水稻種植風景延續至今。 在水平線上夕陽將海面和水田渲染成橘色,田間小路延伸出幾何學的模樣,讓您賞心悅目。 地址:佐賀縣東松浦郡玄海町浜野浦. 交通:西唐津站搭車25分鐘.

  5. 2016年1月11日 · The Sapporo Snow Festival, or Yuki Matsuri, is held annually in early February. Featuring intricate snow and ice sculptures on a monumental scale—including pop culture icons and near-life-sized replicas of famous structures—it draws over 2 million visitors each year. The festival is spread across three sites in Sapporo City: Odori Park ...

  6. 2022年9月1日 · 短路徑位於北山葵田,距離約500公尺長,在行經的木棧橋抵達親水廣場,在此可以觸摸湧水,感受其冰涼;而另一條長路徑位於大王山葵園,約1,200公尺長,路徑旁種植了梅花林、櫻花林和一整列的紅葉,能欣賞到四季美景。. 身處在山葵農場裡,除了 ...

  7. 2007年2月24日 · Born in 1830, Yoshida Shoin was part of Japan’s last generation of samurai. While that distinction carries with it a certain tragic, romantic feel, the truth is that Shoin himself wanted to bring an end to the feudal mode of government in which Japan was ruled by the samurai class. Growing up during the centuries-long rule of the Tokugawa ...

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