雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2022年9月1日 · 黑澤明導演電影《》裡的世外桃源「水車村」 ©PIXTA. 黑澤明導演的電影《》裡,一位男子來到一個綠水潺流、鳥語花香、輕風徐拂的祥和地方,畫面裡水車緩緩轉動,流水潺潺一片安寧,彷如世外桃源。 而這美麗如的景色,就位在大王山葵農場旁的蓼川中,蓼川上的三個水車小屋,是當初拍攝電影時,仿明治時代(1868年 – 1912年)水車所建造的電影場景。 初見這美麗的景緻,彷彿時光靜止,如夢如畫般的墜入裡。 ©PIXTA.

  2. 2017年5月13日 · Missed your chance to see the decade’s biggest anime hit in theaters? Soon you’ll be able to watch it at home—region-free, and without the language barrier! While Makoto Shinkai’s anime hit Your Name has received a wider release in English-speaking territories than many other animated films from Japan, it’s still not on the same scale as mainstream movies’ distribution.

  3. 本篇網羅有16個九州絕景景點,同時根據行程參與的難易度,劃分成容易、普通、困難三個階段,預計前往九州自由行的旅人,別忘了搭配那些景點為自己安排一個最合適的出行計畫囉!

  4. 2017年7月4日 · 害羞的高二數學天才少年健二受學姐夏希的拜託,隨學姐回到位於長野縣上田市的老家,假裝她的男友來慶祝奶奶的90歲生日。 奶奶一家是從室町時代一直存在的戰國大家族陣內一家。 親戚遍及各行各業。 健二在奶奶家住的當晚,無意中解開了一組數列問題,而這個數列問題隱藏的密碼正是OZ虛擬平台的防禦密碼。 從OZ中誕生的人工智能依靠這個密碼妄圖控制和奪取全世界的帳號,因此現實社會也陷入一片混亂。 拯救世界的任務就由健二和奶奶一家承擔了起來。 - s-wars.jp (日文) http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2143592388794406201. 這部動畫電影中,背景雖然設定在了科技高度發展的未來,但影片中卻充滿了日本的傳統元素。

  5. 2017年11月3日 · Looks like Hayao Miyazaki has finally come out of retirement to work on his last full feature film. With a repertoire of classic anime films like My Neighbor Totoro, Kiki’s Delivery Service and the Academy Award-winning Spirited Away under his belt, Miyazaki declared he was leaving the movie world with The Wind Rises as his last feature film.

  6. 2016年1月11日 · The Sapporo Snow Festival, or Yuki Matsuri, is held annually in early February. Featuring intricate snow and ice sculptures on a monumental scale—including pop culture icons and near-life-sized replicas of famous structures—it draws over 2 million visitors each year. The festival is spread across three sites in Sapporo City: Odori Park ...

  7. 2018年12月24日 · soranews24.com. Back in 2017, Studio Ghibli thrilled fans around the world with the news that they would be opening their very first theme park in Japan. Unlike the Ghibli Museum in Tokyo, which houses artwork and merchandise from the animation studio’s famous films in one building, the new theme park will be set across over 200 hectares of ...