雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年11月15日 · But there’s now a ray of golden-fried hope on the horizon, as KFC is just about to open its first permanent all-you-can-eat fried chicken restaurant in Tokyo! Called KFC Restaurant, the eatery is set to be one of the first tenants at the new Minami Machida

  2. 2018年7月16日 · KFC is offering the all-you-can-eat deal for “dinner time,” which it defines as any time past 4 p.m. A complete list of participating locations can be found here (in Japanese). Reservations are required, and can be made in person at participating branches or over the phone.

  3. 2017年9月4日 · Just a short walk from Takadanobaba Station in Tokyo is a KFC chain that is offering all-you-can-drink starting at 5 p.m. Ordinarily priced at ¥1,600 (US$14.50), you’re allowed as many drinks as you want for 90 minutes, and you’re not cut off from requesting a refill until the entire hour and a half have passed.

  4. 地址│東京都澀谷區惠比壽西1-36-6. 交通│東急東横線「代官山」站徒歩2分. 預算│1,000~3,000日圓. 營業時間│11:00~20:00. 公休日│無. 「BROZERS'」必食炭火燒烤的厚培根料多漢堡. https://www.facebook.com/129247453801939/photos/a.316728931720456.75601.129247453801939/780665828660095/?type=3&theater. 這間位於人形町,從店舖的外觀到店內裝潢皆以紅色,挑逗食慾全開的漢堡專門店「BROZERS'」,是日本網路上被評選為東京最好吃的漢堡TOP5! 以大火炭烤的漢堡排,不僅肉汁飽滿份量也大得驚人。

  5. 2016年4月6日 · No fewer than 17 beers are on offer, including a selection of Japanese regional craft brews. You can even ask the staff to whip you up a cocktail, such as the highball-like Colonel’s Hi, made with Suntory whisky and priced at ¥460 (US$4.10). This being KFC, of course there’s a steady supply of fried chicken flowing from the kitchen.

  6. 2017年12月7日 · 10間必吃超人氣神戶牛餐廳推薦 | All About Japan. 日本有三大高級的和牛,分別為松阪牛、近江牛與神戶牛,今天小編要與大家分享日本好吃的神戶牛推薦餐廳!. 神戶肉流通推進協議會的定義,神戶牛是出產於日本兵庫縣的但馬牛肉,高品質的肉質讓神戶牛成為 ...

  7. 擁有種類豐富菜色的套,讓用餐者在結束每一道料理後總是迫不急待的期待下一道料理,來此可體驗前所未有的用餐體驗。 午間套價格:6,000日元(不含稅)

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