雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 日本人因為生活壓力大而且公司普通職員有下班後有去喝酒的習慣所以有胃病的人也不少每次胃不舒服只要服下太田胃散就能減輕胃的不適症狀而成為日本家庭的必備良藥對胃灼熱胃痛等胃部的不快也有非常好的改善效果

  2. 2017年10月16日 · For the vitamin crowd, and those looking to achieve a little more digestive harmony, Ebios is the medicine for you. It contains a variety of vitamins that help strengthen the immune system, as well as brewer’s yeast, the beloved fungus used in the making of beer and bread. It’s also a probiotic, which means it contains micro-organisms that ...

  3. 2017年7月6日 · They can be boiled, stewed in sugar syrup or fried in brown sugar, and in some areas, including some South American countries, they are also mixed into viands. Plantains are healthy and filling, and cheap if you know where to get them. These exotic fruits are available in Asian stores such as Tokyo Rose in Yokohama. 9. Green Mangoes.

  4. 2019年11月26日 · LuluAttack EX, made by Daiichi Sankyo Healthcare, is designed to treat sore throat, fever, runny nose, coughing and congestion. As this is one of the most popular cold and flu treatments, it's available at almost all drugstores in Japan, and very easy to come by! www.biccamera.com.e.lj.hp.transer.com. 1. Esutakku Eve Fine.

  5. 日本小林製藥株式會社有120年歷史,以藥品開發為主。主要有藥品、醫療器械、日用品與食品等的研發生產與銷售。產品不僅在日本國內銷售,還銷往美國、英國以及東南亞等世界各地。小編的同學曾經說過小林製藥的東西雖然效果好但是價格比一般的品牌貴,畢竟是一般非處方類藥品之中的名牌 ...

  6. 2018年2月2日 · 当观光客想起北海道的美食时,首先在脑海里浮现的应该就是以鲑鱼和螃蟹为主的海鲜了。 这两种最主要的北海道水产在小樽和余市的积丹半岛、道南、知床,以及北边的利尻、礼文等沿海地区都能品尝到,而如果说到种类的多样性和质量的话,就不得不提道东的钏路了。

  7. 其實,每一種語言都有其獨特的地方,比如,日文中有許多擬音詞、擬態詞,對初學日語的外國人來說太過抽象,很難掌握。. 要知道,單是表達疼痛的詞,在日語裡就有好多好多呢。. 牙痛和背痛的說法完全不一樣。. 除此以外,肚子痛、頭痛等各種疼痛都有 ...