雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 每日外匯快訊. 由於澳洲就業數據好壞參半,圍繞澳洲央行政策立場的鴿派情緒導致澳元兌美元昨天下跌。 此外,澳洲... [5月17日] 外匯前瞻: 英鎊走勢或將急轉直下. 英鎊一直受到高收益率的支撐,但英鎊的強勢似乎已超出利差所暗示的水平。 [5月13日] 外匯前瞻:美元兌日圓:有干預跡象? 日圓強勁反彈引發外匯干預猜測。 [5月6日] 外匯前瞻快訊:聯儲局維持利率不變,美元走軟. 聯儲局維持利率不變,表示聯邦公開市場委員會對通脹的信心沒有改善;將從6 月開始放慢量化緊縮... [5月3日] 發掘區域投資機遇. 視野: 中港以外 日印韓股市或成亞洲亮點. 中國兩會於3月結束後,縱使當局已表明發展經濟及支持樓市的決心,但缺乏大型刺激政策的推行下... [5月7日]

  2. Find information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.

  3. HSBC HK. Investments. Products. Unit Trusts. HSBC FlexInvest. Diversify with as little as HKD100. We make it easy to invest in all assets and markets, by covering a wide range of companies, sectors and regions. With our selected funds, you can capture an entire index or invest in a whole portfolio that suits your risk appetite. Apply now.

  4. 愉景灣理財易中心. 愉景灣愉景廣場地下G13, G12D及G15A號舖. 富豪機場酒店理財易中心. 赤鱲角香港國際機場暢達路9號富豪機場酒店215號舖. 滙豐24小時外幣提款機遍布全港,讓你隨時隨地可以輕鬆地提取外幣,支援包括人民幣、日圓、美元及歐元。. 立即了解更多 ...

  5. 5 steps to start your investment journey. Step 1: Prepare yourself before investing. Understand key procedures such as opening an investment account before you start investing with HSBC. Step 2: Decide on your portfolio asset mix. Consider options to help you create a balanced portfolio. Step 3: Choose the right product.

  6. 利用我們的分行位置搜尋器,輸入您的位置和所需服務類型,即時了解就近的滙豐分行、理財易中心及自動櫃員機服務,並可選擇相關符號以查看開放時間及聯絡方式。

  7. Products. Unit Trusts. HSBC FlexInvest. FlexInvest Offers. Important risk warning. Earn exciting rewards this year with FlexInvest. New to FlexInvest? Enjoy cash rewards when you invest with us! Receive a minimum of HKD100 cash reward when you invest HKD1,000, or up to HKD300 upon investing HKD15,000 in a month. T&Cs apply. Learn more.

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