雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 精選京都必去景點、必吃美食等10大打卡熱點,只要跟隨我們的腳步,你就能輕鬆拍出美照, IG讚數立馬破表!

  2. 2018年4月20日 · Learning Japanese has been made easy and fun with the help of these four Instagram accounts for Japanese study. Everyone has different ways of learning the language, but anyone can benefit from integrating as much Japanese into their daily lives as possible. And what better way to learn than by scrolling through social media! Start with the Basics.

  3. 2019年4月8日 · Kamakura's Komachi Street Top 10 Food Guide. Trip101 Updated April 8, 2019. Food & Drink Sweets Day Trips Tokyo Day Trips Kamakura. tabelog.com. Kamakura, a quaint seaside city located just an hour away from Tokyo, is known for its numerous temples and shrines reflecting the rich history of pre-modern Japan.

  4. 2016年7月28日 · This chuhai, with all its different flavors, is very popular in Japan. Over the years the brand has changed several times with different talent and tastes! Let's see which faces and flavors of Horoyoi you can recognize! Current Flavors. http://www.suntory.co.jp/rtd/horoyoi/ What's special about Horoyoi is that it regularly changes its lineup.

  5. 2018年12月27日 · Kirie (切り絵, literally "cut picture") is the Japanese art of paper-cutting. Variations of kirie can be found in cultures around the world, but the Japanese version is said to be derived from religious ceremonies and can be traced back to around the AD 700s. http://www.spoon-tamago.com/2018/12/27/kirie-octopus-masayo-fukuda/

  6. HIKARI 2020年6月17日 更新. 日本初體驗 鎌倉 京都 神奈川 關西地區. 小小一顆的梅子,有著說不完的歷史紀錄。 在戰爭時代是補充體力的最佳糧食,而江戶時期的石見銀山採礦者,因有著嚴重的礦山病問題,人們則在布面中間夾上梅子做成防毒面罩,同時梅子也因其富含營養而作為家庭用藥。 不僅如此,日本自古以來不少權貴人士的家紋都以梅花為設計圖案,就連知名的大宰府天滿宮與北野天滿宮等也都是以梅花為圖騰,可見梅花在日本人心中的重要地位。 每年約6月起進入初夏的雨季正好是梅子成熟時期,因此也被稱為「梅雨季節」,也多虧有這雨季才能讓梅子果實長的茁壯又飽滿。

  7. 2016年10月3日 · Hase-dera, the Flower Temple. Planetyze Updated October 3, 2016. Temples Temples & Shrines Kamakura. planetyze.com. Hase-dera was constructed on the mountainside with views of both the ocean and the city. The beautiful garden is blooming with hydrangeas and irises all year round and as such, the temple has become acclaimed as the "flower temple."

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