雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年1月17日 · A Massive Collection of Remarkable Size. Nagata Seiji devoted his life to the study of Hokusai. Hokusai’s works can be seen in museums around the world, including the British Museum in London and the Museum of Metropolitan Art in New York.

  2. 在北鎌倉逛累了,不妨來這裡放鬆休憩一番。 店舖名稱. 安寧 如意庵茶寮. 店舖地址. 神奈川縣鎌倉市山之內409 円覺寺內. ※進寺廟需花費円覺寺參拜費300日元. 交通. JR北鎌倉站步行5分鐘. 營業時間. 10:00~16:00. 官網. http://nyoiannei.jp/ 隱藏好店・宛如天空之城的「樹花園」咖啡. https://www.instagram.com/p/BgOWvoThiWc/?hl=ja. 鎌倉的山林深處,隱藏著一家不顯眼但別具一格的咖啡店。 這家叫「樹花園」當真像它的名字一般,被層層疊疊的綠樹環繞,讓人彷彿置身於宮崎駿的電影「天空之城」中一般,暫時忘記了俗世的煩憂,在影影綽綽從樹杈縫隙中投來的陽光照射中,享受這一番空閒時光。

  3. 2020年1月10日 · NIPPON TV NEWS 24 JAPAN Updated January 10, 2020. Deeper Japan Tokyo Osaka Kanto Kansai. Japanese investigators say as of January 6, 2020, that former Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn rode a bullet train, cars and a box to leave the country in violation of his bail terms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zyTyvWRdN8&feature=youtu.be.

  4. 2017年12月21日 · Hakone Shrine. Japan's earliest historical records suggest that Mount Hakone may have been worshipped for at least 2,500 years.

  5. 2022年5月23日 · 江户切子(えどきりこ),前面的“江户”二字指明的是这种工艺出现的时间和地点。. 江户切子最早出现于江户时代(1603年-1868年),它的发源地也是江户——现在的东京。. 而“切子”这个词,在日文里指的是雕花玻璃器皿。. 现在的“江户切子”已经成为了 ...

  6. 2016年9月15日 · Historical Checkpoint. The town was not just meant for passing daimyo and their retainers to warm their bones and stop by for a pleasant meal, though: Hakone was also a security checkpoint. To be certain that armed rebellion would not foment in the capital, and that the daimyo would remain loyal (as their families were, in effect, being ...

  7. 2018年1月1日 · Hakone 'yosegi zaiku' is a kind of woodworking technique typically used to make puzzle boxes with elaborate opening mechanisms. Not only do they make a great gift—at the Hakone Trick Museum you can even make one of your own!

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