雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐每日專訊:美股下跌,市場持續憂慮利率前景. 美股下跌;國庫券在近期下跌後向上。 [4月18日] 專題影片:與《金融時報》一起解鎖投資趨勢. 準備好與我們的首席投資總監開啓一段富有洞見的旅程,他們將深入探討多個影響金融市場的關鍵議題... [3月26日] 專題報導:儘管存在通脹憂慮,但聯儲局鴿派言論提振市場. 一如預期,聯儲局一致投票決定將聯邦基金利率維持在 5.25-5.5% 不變,已經是連續第五... [3月22日] 每月專訊:央行同步政策轉向宜增加股票配置. 多國央行(聯儲局、歐洲央行與英國央行)同步釋出的鴿派訊息,增強了市場對6月份減息的預期,對... [4月5日] 緊貼外匯市場走勢. 外匯前瞻:堅挺的美元. 我們預計美元將會保持堅挺... [4月15日] 每日外匯快訊.

  2. 網上理財. 由2022年3月下旬起,滙豐網上及流動理財將就登入方式陸續推出全新功能,讓您可享受升級理財體驗。. 請考慮於HSBC HK App啟動流動保安編碼,並確保您已更新聯絡資料。. 了解更多. 自2022年5月起,您將可享受更簡潔的網上理財介面及更流暢的轉賬體驗 ...

  3. 愉景灣理財易中心. 愉景灣愉景廣場地下G13, G12D及G15A號舖. 富豪機場酒店理財易中心. 赤鱲角香港國際機場暢達路9號富豪機場酒店215號舖. 滙豐24小時外幣提款機遍布全港,讓你隨時隨地可以輕鬆地提取外幣,支援包括人民幣、日圓、美元及歐元。. 立即了解更多 ...

  4. An equity-linked investment (ELI) is a type of structured product. Its investment return is directly linked to the performance of a single underlying equity or a basket of up to 4 underlying equities. An ELI is typically a short to medium-term investment product that may provide potential yield enhancement. On top of this potential interest ...

  5. HSBC Broking Services (Asia) Limited and its subsidiaries ("HSBC Broking") are a group of leading broker dealers in Asia, offering full investment services in stocks, bonds, currencies, precious metals, commodities and derivatives. We are a wholly owned subsidiary of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, a member of the HSBC ...

  6. 利用我們的分行位置搜尋器,輸入您的位置和所需服務類型,即時了解就近的滙豐分行、理財易中心及自動櫃員機服務,並可選擇相關符號以查看開放時間及聯絡方式。

  7. HSBC HK. Investments. Products. Unit Trusts. HSBC FlexInvest. Diversify with as little as HKD100. We make it easy to invest in all assets and markets, by covering a wide range of companies, sectors and regions. With our selected funds, you can capture an entire index or invest in a whole portfolio that suits your risk appetite. Apply now.

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