雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月3日 · Judy joined Standard Chartered in 2009 as Global Head of Wealth Management where she led the strategic development and management of wealth management products, investment strategy and advisory services for the Bank. In 2015, Judy was appointed CEO, Singapore, the second highest performance contributor to the Group. In 2018, Judy was appointed ...

  2. Press Release. Standard Chartered Bank appoints Judy Hsu as Chief Executive Officer of its Singapore operations. 7 September 2015 – Standard Chartered Bank (the Bank) today announced the official appointment of Judy Hsu as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Bank in Singapore, effective 1 October 2015, subject to regulatory approval.

  3. Benjamin Hung - Standard Chartered. President, International | Joined 1992. Appointed. Ben was appointed Standard Chartered’s President, International in April 2024. He sits on the Group’s Management Team and is the Chairman of both Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited and Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited. Career.

  4. 2021年11月5日 · 1. 只有「快易理財」、「Premium 理財」或「優先理財」客戶可參與迪士尼ATM卡推廣。如「優先理財」客戶於季度內之每日平均總結餘低於HK$1,000,000,將須繳付HK$900為當季度之服務費。有關詳情,請參閱服務收費冊子。 2. 華特迪士尼公司、彼思、香港國際主題樂園有限公司及其各自的母公司、關聯公司 ...

  5. An all-in-one online securities trading platform to capture investment opportunities in Hong Kong, Mainland and U.S. Trading Platform powered by Refinitiv with real-time and comprehensive market data. Enjoy $0 trade lodgement fee, custodial fee and account maintenance fee. Receive free unlimited real-time stock quotes.

  6. 旅行有要求 享受無盡頭. 全新客戶以HK$100萬新資金開立優先理財及「高息馬拉松活期存款」戶口 ,享50,000里數及高達5%存款年利率. 立即申請. 立即預約開戶. 跨進4.125% p.a.高息領域 擺脫存款期束縛. 開立Wealth Saver户口即每月獲享總回報高達4.125%年利率,不設鎖定期讓您盡享資金靈活度. 立即開戶. 了解更多. 全新客戶¹開戶優惠. 現有客戶 5 升級禮遇. 新資金增長獎賞 2. 存入首HK$100萬新資金尊享HK$4,000現金回贈或40,000里數. 其後每存入HK$100萬新資金尊享HK$3,000現金回贈或30,000里數,合共高達HK$22,000現金回贈或220,000里數 3. 全新客戶尊享首兩季「優先理財」服務費豁免 7.

  7. 1. 规划署”(UNAIDS )每年组织的“ 长城跑”、“ 奥林匹克公园宣传亭”活动,全体渣打中国员工穿着红衣或别上红丝带以示支持“ 关心艾滋行动” ,提醒员工接受HIV 自愿检测,并向客户介绍HIV 和AIDS方面的信息等。 “比艾滋病更可怕的是歧视。 大多数人都对艾滋病患者避而远之,但其实艾滋病的传染不是绝对的。 ”如意如是说,“与艾滋病阳性患者的正常互动不会发生传染,比如握手、拥抱、使用同一厕所、用同一个杯子喝水、一起运动,甚至身边有艾滋病患者咳嗽、打喷嚏,都不会发生传染。 我们应该尽我们所能给予艾滋病儿童心灵上的关怀,鼓励他们与其他人交往,帮助他们融入社会,使他们在一个温暖有爱的环境下成长。

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