雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. We provide event planning services in Hong Kong. Types of events include conferences, annual dinners, charity galas, outdoor family events, and themed parties. Chunky Onion Productions does the event planning and event management. Plus we also provide the audio-visual services, entertainment and venue decorations.

  2. We are at your service! We are a fully integrated event management company in Hong Kong. Our event management services are focused on conference planning, product launches & activations, annual dinner planning, grand openings, large-scales outdoor events and family fetes & carnivals. Call 852 3188-1874 for more information.

  3. Chunky Onion Productions(青洋蔥製作室)是一家非常全面的專業活動製作及活動統籌公司。. 我們擁有專業的團隊,於不同崗位上都能為您提供專業意見和服務。. 專業的活動製作及統籌會助您計劃整個活動的流程,建議及策劃最適合您的一切。. 創作設計團隊會為您 ...

  4. 典禮及開幕活動 為迎接您的新辦公室或商店開幕,當然要舉行一個隆重的揭幕儀式,讓各方業務伙伴及新客戶聚首一堂!揭幕儀式有助業務宣傳推廣,製造機會讓更多人認識貴公司,並強化公司的品牌形象。當您選擇好開幕吉日及擬定嘉賓名單後,我們可以幫你策劃一個完滿的揭幕儀式。

  5. 公司週年晚會 | 周年 主題 晚宴 晚會 | Annual Dinner | Chunky Onion | 青洋蔥製作室

  6. We can help you plan an highly effective, smoothly run, memorable conference. You have planned your Hong Kong conference to the last detail: your venue has been selected; the delegates have been invited; keynote speakers are confirmed and every breakout session is planned. Now you need event management, audio-visual expertise and on-site ...

  7. 專業影音設備. 我們為活動提供全面的專業影視聽服務,包括音響,燈光,投影,LED屏幕牆,攝影及錄影服務和專業技術人員,為您打造最佳的活動體驗。. 我們擁有影視聽技術團隊,在活動規劃階段已能提供最佳的建議及技術技援。. 我們為以下類型的活動提供 ...