雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The pipa (pronounced "pee-paa") is a four-stringed lute, one of the oldest Chinese musical instruments with over 2000 years of history. The term pipa () consists of two Chinese characters symboliz ing two playing techniques (known as "Tan" and "Tiao" today) while their pronunciations p'i and p'a are imitations of the sounds produced accordingly.

  2. Musique des cultures du monde. Samedi 10 février 2024 à 14 h 30. Liu Fang 's pipa & guzheng music world. Audio demo. Liu Fang transmits in an expressive and erudite way the beauty and grace of Chinese traditional classical music, while drawing out the subtle sonorities of the pipa and the guzheng. Through the power and sensitivity of her ...

  3. www.liufangmusic.net › big5 › history_of_pipa琵琶藝朮的發展簡史

    其音色與琵琶相去甚遠。. 唐代用撥子彈琵琶. 到了唐代(公元7-9世紀)琵琶的發展出現了一個高峰。當時上至宮廷樂隊, 下至民間演唱都少不了琵琶, 隨成為當時非常盛行的樂器, 而且在樂隊處於領奏地位。. 這種盛況在我國古代詩詞中有大量的記載。. 例如唐代 ...

  4. www.liufangmusic.net › English › biographyLiu Fang: Biography

    Biography (long version) Montreal resident Liu Fang has achieved an international reputation for her masterful and deeply spirited pipa playing. Born in 1974 in Kunming in the Chinese province of Yunnan, Liu Fang began studying the pipa at the age of six and gave her first public performance as a pipa soloist when she was nine. In 1985, she ...

  5. 琵琶 已有倆千多年的流傳歷史.由漢代到唐代極盛, 直到現代,經久不衰.歷代琵琶演奏家,作曲家和制作大師在實踐中不斷改進, 使音響鏗鏘美妙,富有金石之聲.演奏指法丰富多樣,表現力極強.其傳統樂曲源遠流長, 反映了各個時代的生活風貌.它是件能文能武,能古能今,能中能西的樂器.尤其是其典雅的 ...

  6. 喜歡的人多了,就會有更多人去學習彈琵琶。. 要想讓更多的人喜歡,就要首先讓人家了解。. 想讓人了解,就不能讓人覺得琵琶是一種“神秘兮兮”的樂器,難得不得了,讓人望而止步。. 琵琶作為樂器,與其他樂器沒有倆樣。. 只要喜歡,就可學好。. 如果喜歡 ...

  7. 現居加拿大蒙特利爾市(Montreal)的劉芳1974年生于云南昆明,六歲開始學習琵琶,師從琵琶演奏家、作曲家曾慶蓉女士。九歲時首次公演,并開始在各种青少年琵琶比賽中不斷獲獎,同時也多次參加同各种文藝團体合作的演出活動,被喻為 "在鮮花和掌聲中長大"。