雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年2月20日 · 輕微傷病 您可向東京都醫療機構指南服務「向日葵」以外語諮詢日本醫療相關資訊,電話號碼為03-5285-8181,服務時間是上午9點至晚上8點,全年無休。 此外,您也可至「日本政府觀光局(JNTO)網站」查詢身體不適時有幫助的相關資訊,或搜尋提供外語看診服務的醫療機構。

  2. 2023年10月6日 · On a clear day, the bright blue sky blankets the Symbol Promenade Park, making it a pleasant place for a leisurely walk. The promenade connects the different entertainment areas of Odaiba, and offers visitors expansive bay views. In spring, cherry blossoms, tulips, pansies, and violets burst into bloom, and in early summer you can enjoy hydrangeas.

  3. 2022年3月22日 · The Koto City Fukagawa Edo Museum is a life-size reproduction of a Tokyo streetscape from the closing years of the Edo period (1603–1867). The re-creation goes to great lengths to show the lifestyles of the people at the time, right down to the homes they lived in and the daily goods they used. The museum's lighting also changes to reflect different times of day.

  4. 2023年11月14日 · Japan-emblazoned, embroidered, silk bomber jackets at specialist stores. The bustling Ameyoko shopping street consists of two sections. Part of it is set like an open-air market, while the Ameyoko plaza is directly beneath the JR train tracks. The shopping street is an ideal place to buy souvenirs, see vendors hawking their wares, and sample ...

  5. 2023年10月6日 · Tsukishima Monja Street is located on Tsukishima, an island constructed on reclaimed land in 1892. Consider a visit to the nearby neighborhood of Kiyosumi Shirakawa before exploring Tsukishima Monja Street, where you'll find modern art and chic cafes. 11:00-19:00.

  6. 交通方式 從東京Metro地鐵銀座線、丸之內線、日比谷線「銀座」站、東京Metro地鐵有樂町線「銀座一丁目」站或東京Metro地鐵日比谷線及都營淺草線的「東銀座」站皆可輕鬆前往此地區。從JR「有樂町」站步行約需5分鐘,從「東京」站步行則約需15分鐘。

  7. 2020年11月24日 · 淺草寺. 淺草寺是東京最古老的寺廟,奉祀著觀世音菩薩,其閃耀光輝的金身吸引不少信眾膜拜。. 若健康欠佳,可以祈求康復,還能花錢抽籤,占卜未來吉凶。. 抽籤方式為輕搖圓筒,取出寫有號碼的木棒,再依照木棒上的號碼領取籤詩。. 籤詩還附有英文翻譯 ...