雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Automated Banking. BOCHK upgrades its banking services and facilities continuously to enhance customer experience. We have the most extensive network of more than 1,000 machines, include ATMs, cash deposit machines and cheque deposit machines in Hong Kong. You can enjoy the conveniently cash withdrawal service with the ATMs marked with the ...

  2. OVERVIEW. The "BOCHK Challenge" has been held for 8 consecutive years. It continuously provides a platform for students from higher education institutions and startups to showcase their talents on technology and ignite innovative ideas. Our goal is to sow the seeds of hope for technological innovation ventures.

  3. 多元增值功能 由您話事 您可按個人需要,隨時選擇以「直接付款」、「自動增值」或「只經手機銀行增值」方式為智能賬戶增值。 直接付款 直接從您的主賬戶中扣除支付差額,全數結算付款 自動增值 可選擇每日自動增值金額,港幣100元至5,000元,每日只限增值一次

  4. 中銀香港為企業提供自動轉賬付款服務方便您以最低成本迅速處理本地付款交易減少行政開支及避免逾期付款而引致額外開支企業可使用自動轉賬向大量指定賬戶存入指定款項收款人會於指定日期收到款項

  5. 中銀香港不斷優化銀行配套及設施致力提升客戶體驗已於全港設置了逾1,000台自助設備包括自動櫃員機存鈔機及存支票機網絡最龐大。. 無論身在香港內地澳門及海外您只需透過貼有以下標誌的自動櫃員機使用中銀卡服務盡享隨時隨地提取 ...

  6. P.1/5 中銀香港流動保安編碼常見問題 1. 甚麼是「流動保安編碼」? 「流動保安編碼」是「中銀香港流動應用程式」內置的一項功能,當您於指定型號 流動裝置(「手機」)完成啟用程序後,便可即時使用,無須額外攜帶保安編碼器。此外,除了「流動保安編碼」密碼外,「流動保安編碼」亦支援以 ...

  7. Contact the BOC Credit Card Services Hotline : 2214 3433. Download “Octopus Automatic Add Value Service Application Form” through the Company’s website and submit application through branch / by mail. *For each "Automatic reload amount" of HK$500, you can earn 500 gift points / $2 cash rebate (applicable to cardholders who participate in ...