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  1. 2016年7月19日 · Genda Shigyo (源田紙業, or "Genda Paper Company") is said to have been founded in the year 771, in the latter days of the Nara Period (710-794). When the capital of Japan was moved to Kyoto in 794, marking the beginning of the Heian Period, Genda Shigyo went as well, and it can now be found in the blocks separating Nijo Castle from Kyoto ...

  2. 2023年8月10日 · ①神田神保町古書店街 「神田神保町古書店街」是位於東京千代田區的舊書店街,經歷二次大戰卻未受到空襲破壞,保留昭和時代的街景和老店,被譽為探索舊書文化的聖地,不僅是日本規模最大,更是全球最大,被列入日本環境省的「香氣風景100選(かおり風景100選)」。

  3. 2019年5月21日 · 百貨公司不再是購物首選,到市集尋覓一件與自己相對眼的小物吧!. 想在東京參加一場熱鬧又悠閒的跳蚤市集,邊走邊看順便淘一淘不期而遇的寶貝可說是再好不過了。. 集結跨越時間和空間與時代洗禮的各種雜貨小物的「東京蚤の市(東京跳蚤市場)」是由 ...

  4. 2016年7月29日 · Kongo Gumi still holds a 3-meter (9.8 ft) scroll dating back to the 17th century, detailing the family history for 40 generations, all the way back to the year 578. Founded over 1,400 years ago, Kongo Gumi is a Japanese temple-building company that's responsible for a number of the most famous structures in the Kansai area.

  5. 2022年5月25日 · 除了上述公司之外,日本有諸多伴手禮也開品牌也陸續響應,出自於環境保護美意,不僅在近三年內開始大幅度改變包裝,不論是減少個別包裝,或者是改變塑膠包材,大量減少塑膠垃圾量,日本政府也在2022年4月執行減少日本國內塑膠垃圾的「塑膠資源循環促進法(プラスチック資源循環法 ...

  6. 2016年1月7日 · Besides its nonexistent price tag, the beauty of the database is that you can download individual works, works in bulk by category, or even the entire collection at once—though you should check to make sure you have enough space to store a staggering 141 GB worth of data beforehand! Even if they can’t read Japanese, bibliophiles around the ...

  7. 2019年12月3日 · Preserving History with Newspaper Sculptures. The Japanese visual artist Atsushi Adachi creates miniature replicas of objects from the past using old newspaper clippings and articles sourced from the same period. Artifacts from history like battleships and Neil Armstrong’s spacesuit come alive in what Adachi describes as a meditation on ...