雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年11月1日 · November 01, 2017. 產品知多D – 餐飲業篇. A字架連多用途戶外海報. 餐廳店面必備的 Menu board! 餐廳店面給人的第一印象很重要,幾秒間往往可決定顧客會否進內光顧,所以餐廳門口一定要放一張大大的A字架Menu board,除了方便顧客看餐牌外,也可以放置最新推介產品照片,吸引客人光顧。 *** 不用煩惱A字架哪裡買,BannerSHOP網站就可以買到了! A字架適用店舖宣傳,配合多用途戶外海報使用,搶眼醒目。 A字架尺寸已有指定模板,它的雙面架身可摺疊、輕巧,可靈活地放置於不同地方。 *** 易拉架. 遠距離吸客小法寶.

  2. BannerSHOP offers a variety of stickers printing service, including UV White Ink Sticker, DIY Sticker, Outdoor Removable Sticker, Label Sticker...which is a widely used promotion tool. The color of sticker is sharp and delicate; it has water-resistant function which is the best product for promotion.

  3. Glass and Window Stickers|DIY Stickers, Frosted Stickers, Multi-Purpose Stickers|7 Days Exchange Service - Bannershop. Window Stickers. View as: MasterCast™ Multi-Purpose Stickers (2 Years) Apply for: Shopping malls, elevators, retail stores, including glass and table surface.

  4. Bannershop offer many type of party setup supplies including Foamboard, Banners, Backdrop, Selfie Frame Props and sticker etc. Mounting Foamboards PVC Boards BGreen Honeycomb Boards Matrix Frame Partition Corflutes Armstrong Sign (4 years

  5. 大型印刷公司 | 數碼噴畫 | 特快展板易拉架橫額製作 | 香港印刷報價| Bannershop

  6. Product Setup & Specs Guide. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (852) 2988 8080. Bannershop offers 3MPII - Backlit Vinyl to help promote your business with high quality printing at outdoor environment. We also provide a professional online ordering platform to help promote your brand promptly!

  7. Bannershop offers a wide range of Foamboards including Die Cut Foamboards, Ultra Rigid Foamboards, Eco-friendly Foamboards and more. Die cut Foamboards are made by PP sticker material and are light and easy to carry.

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