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  1. 私人貸款知識. 信用卡分期提早還款有著數? 拆解信用卡找數三大迷思! 信用卡分期提早還款有著數? 拆解信用卡找數三大迷思! 在需要周轉時,許多人均會透過申請 私人貸款 、透支信用卡或信用卡分期以解決燃眉之急。 當周轉問題解決後,不少人希望能提早還款,節省利息支出。 然而,提早還款有機會需要支付額外費用,隨時不能省下金錢之餘還要倒過頭來蝕錢。 到底為何信用卡分期計劃提早還款要支付額外費用? 大眾對信用卡找數的三大迷思又是甚麼? 本文將會詳細分析提早還款的規則及計算方法,讓您在還款或信用卡找數方面也能成為精明的一群! 拆解信用卡找數三大迷思. 相信很多人都擁有信用卡,除了日常開支外,還有一堆雜費或分期費用要繳交,但未必在每個月都有足夠結餘繳交費用,出現信用卡找數有困難的情況。

  2. Credit Card Repayment Myths 1. Many people used credit card interest-free instalment plan, if you want to make an early repayment, do you know that you may require to pay the handling fee of the remaining period of instalment plan?

    • 保持良好信貸評級。私人貸款成功率和信貸評級成正比,評分愈高,就愈容易成功獲批。財務機構會基於信貸紀錄,去斷定您履行還款責任的能力,所以維持良好信貸記錄是成功借貸的重要關鍵。
    • 只借適當的貸款額。申請貸款時,需要評估自己的實際財務需要及還款能力,決定合理的借貸額,應量力而為而無須「借到盡」。面對較低貨款額的申請時,財務機構的批核準則有可能會較為寬鬆。
    • 減低每月還款金額。當借貸金額大,而您選擇較短的還款期時,每月的還款金額亦會因而上升。貸款機構或會擔憂您每月能否如期清還這大額款項,否則它們可能需要承受未能準時收妥還款的風險。
    • 有保證的還款能力。貸款機構批出貸款時,其實需要承擔借貸人無力還款時損失金錢的風險。所以於無抵押和證明的情況下,如借貸人還款能力成疑,貸款就會較難獲批。
  3. 邦民日本財務公司的私人貸款服務方便稱心,由1992年開業至今,豐富經驗,成為深受香港人信賴的財務公司。 網上申請簡易快捷,私人貸款一批瞬間過數,立即申請!

    • Maintain A Good Credit Rating
    • Borrow The Right Amount
    • Reduce The Monthly Repayment Amount
    • Guaranteed Repayment Ability

    The success rate of personal loan approval holds a positive correlation to your credit rating. The higher the rating, the more likely your application will be approved. Financial institutions will determine your ability to fulfill your repayment responsibility based on your credit record, thus, maintaining a good credit record is crucial to get app...

    While applying for a loan, you should opt for a reasonable amount based on your actual financial needs and repayment ability, rather than just going for the maximum. Financial institutions will have looser requirements when dealing with lower loan amounts.

    If the loan amount is large and you choose a shorter repayment period, monthly repayment amount would rise accordingly. The lender may worry your ability to repay such a large amount each month and bear a risk of not receiving the full repayment on time. Therefore, extending the repayment period to adjust for an affordable repayment amount may lowe...

    When lenders approve loans, they need to bear the risk of losing money if the borrower cannot repay. If the borrower does not own any collaterals or certifications, their repayment ability can be questioned, lessening the chance of loan approval. However, providing sufficient supporting documents to prove your repayment ability can boost lender con...

  4. Promise provides self-employed people with low-interest personal loans, no income proof needed. In just a few simple steps, the cash will be available instantly without complicated process. Whether you are self-employed or an entrepreneur, applying for the Promise No-doc Loan will only require your ID card and mobile number.

  5. 私人貸款知識. 財務中介陷阱注意! 「借錢梗要還,咪俾錢中介」這句忠告,會於各財務機構廣告上看到,全因不良財務中介往往借口協助申請私人貸款,最後卻追收高昂手續費、顧問費、服務費等費用。 想面對危急周轉時刻,能夠成功收取全部已批核貸款,就要認清財務中介與正規財務公司的分別,以及了解如何避免墮入中介陷阱。 「財務中介」是甚麼? 財務中介並非真正的財務公司,而是通過代理申請低息貸款,向財務機構換取相應手續費的第三方角色。 而不良財務中介公司,就會藉口提供財務評估或代辦私人貸款,向申請者收取中介費用,甚至誘騙他們於其他財務公司一再申請貸款「債冚債」,並簽下合約獲取多次收費,其中急需借錢套現或信貸紀錄欠佳人士更特別容易成為目標。 不良財務中介慣用手法.

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