雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年12月21日 · “This letter is to inform you that payment is now + 欠款時間 + overdue." Example: This letter is to inform you that payment is now three days overdue.

    • 電郵

      電郵 - 【催款不老尷】做個專業有禮的「收數佬」! 5種讓客 ...

    • 面試錦囊

      面試錦囊 - 【催款不老尷】做個專業有禮的「收數佬」! 5種 ...

    • 一句

      一句 - 【催款不老尷】做個專業有禮的「收數佬」! 5種讓客 ...

  2. 2022年6月17日 · Zephyr Yeung 從小喜歡英文且極具好奇心,奈何小時候發問時往往都會被告知「背左佢啦」,心有不甘繼而透過閱讀和研究來尋根究底,長大後深深了解 ...

  3. 2021年6月12日 · 1. Background. 告訴讀者寫信的理由。 I am writing about order ABC123 as we have yet to receive payment. I am again writing about order ABC123 as it is now significantly overdue. 2. You haven’t paid me....

  4. 例1. Dear Mr. Carson, This is to inform you that you. that your payment is overdue. As it has been 30 days. since the purchasing date, we would like to. ask you to pay the outstanding. balance of $4482.50 as soon as possible. Ne appreciate your attention to this. matter. Sincerely, Angell. 例2. Dear Mr. Feng,

    • Overdue Invoice Payment Reminder Email Samples
    • A Checklist For Your Outstanding Payment Reminder Email Format
    • How to Handle Persistent Non Payments?
    • How to Set Up Invoice Reminders?

    In this section, we’ll walk you through 8 invoice payment reminder email sample templates you can use at various intervals. 

    Personalizing the emails is essential when you send invoice payment follow up emails to a company. Customizing your email will keep your brand identity intact and make you stand out from the crowd. Let’s see what you can include in your overdue invoice reminder email.

    If, after politely reminding them to pay, you follow up with them and have conversations, the client still doesn’t pay, it might be time to consider taking a stronger stance.

    To set up invoice reminders, you can follow the steps below: Step 1:Register with the best invoice reminder software and go for a free trial. Step 2:Customize your reminders so that they alert you before and after the dates on which your bills are due. Choose pre-made themes or create custom reminders that align with your brand. Step 3: You don’t h...

  5. 2019年4月1日 · 既然要每天問候總不能都講一樣的話我把這個機會當作練英文於是陸續寫了幾種問候方式供大家參考~~ 1. 貨品保存期限會受影響,建議快點出貨 > 貨品拖愈久,保存期限愈短對他們不利 As the manufacture date is on Dec. 2018, we suggest that you deliver them asap. Please remit us your balance so that we will be able to arrange the fastest shipment for you. 2. 儲藏空間有限,其他客人沒地方放 > 我被工廠追殺我也很為難 Our factory is pushing me to deliver your order.

  6. 2014年9月10日 · 10句絕佳示範. RE:如何回覆Job Offer、上司催進度等Email? 最實用的10封英文回郵範本. 動之以情,關心對方是否有甚麼困難或苦衷,在查詢進度之後加上一句︰. Please let us know if you require any assistance from our end. 以下例子綜合了以上各個元素,以供參考︰. I’m just emailing to check you got the XXX Report I sent you last week. I need to complete the report by Friday and I can’t do that until I receive your feedback.

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