雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Enjoy world's best races and teams at 2023 Hong Kong International Dragon Boat Races at TST East Promenade scheduled on 24th and 25th June.

  2. Guide on when and where to watch the dragon boat races and competitions in Hong Kong around the year. Stanley International Championships and Tai O Water Parade are the

  3. The first Gudetama character themed restaurant Gudetama Café by Izumi Curry opens in YATA Hong Kong, serving designed food and mechandises.

  4. 萬佛寺 (Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery) 坐落於新界沙田,建於20世紀50年代,整個寺廟其實不僅僅是一座寺廟,而是由5座廟宇,4座亭閣和1座寶塔組成,包括萬佛殿,彌陀殿,觀音殿,准提殿,玉皇殿,萬佛塔,觀音亭,韋陀亭,十八羅漢廊等。

  5. MACAU. AIA Hong Kong Observation Wheel (HKOW) finally reopened in Central. The Ferris Wheel is Hong Kong’s latest attraction, providing a new panorama view from 60-meter height ride.

  6. Mister Softee (富豪雪糕)是香港最具歷史意義的街頭小吃。那特別設計的白,藍,紅的車身,和經久不衰的“藍色多瑙河”的曲調,承載著一代香港人美好的回憶。.

  7. LATEST NEWS. MACAU. Ultimate guide of where to buy Apple products in Hong Kong, such as iPhone, iPad, MacBook, iMac, iWatch, Airpods and accessories.