雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 「轉數快」(FPS)提供多種即時轉賬及付款服務,讓您日常理財更輕鬆。立即下載SC Mobile App並登記SC Pay! 由2021年8月1日起,若您已於SC Mobile App啓動推送訊息功能或已於本行登記電郵地址,您於經轉數快收到款項時或會收到電郵或推送訊息通知,而不會 ...

  2. 2020年8月17日 · 產品特色. 渣打優先理財無限卡主卡首年免年費,附卡終身免年費。. 主卡年費NT$10,000,每年消費滿NT$360,000 (正、附卡分開計算),即可免次年年費。. 優先理財客戶第二年起的其他年費優惠辦法,敬請洽詢持卡人原專屬的客戶關係經理確認優惠內容。. 每新增刷卡 ...

  3. 2023年8月28日 · 活动对象:渣打携程优逸借记卡和渣打携程白金借记卡客户. 连续三个月维持合格「优逸理财」客户可享15,000携程积分(价值150元) ;连续三个月维持合格「优先理财」客户可享30,000携程积分(价值300元);. 通过我行任意渠道完成一笔外汇交易的客户可享3,000 ...

  4. 5 天前 · Standard Chartered in the United Kingdom. Standard Chartered has a history of 170 years in the UK, having opened our UK office in 1853. Our headquarters are at 1 Basinghall Avenue, in the heart of the City of London, and both the Group CEO and Chairman are based here. Standard Chartered is regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and ...

  5. 2024年1月22日 · 非同一般的「优先理财」“家庭共享计划”- 如您为我行合格「优先理财」客户,所有家庭成员便可免除账户管理费,与您共同享受优质服务及尊崇礼遇。* * 注:申请家庭共享计划的客户(“申请客户”)(如申请客户是天骄少年成长账户的持有人,须由其监护人代理提出申请)与现有家庭共享计划 ...

  6. W8/W9 Form Submission. Please upload the images of your completed, signed W8/W9 forms, and provide us with the following information for further processing, which will take around five (5) working days. We will notify you by post should there be any issues with the forms. 請上載已填寫簽署妥當之W8及W9表格,並提供資料如下 ...

  7. Standard Chartered Bank Macau (“the Bank”) is a branch of Standard Chartered Bank, an entity with its principal office in London, UK. The Bank is a credit institution in Macau and is providing its Corporate, Commercial & Institutional banking clients in Macau with a full range of banking services such as Deposit, Cash Management, Trade ...

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