雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Standard Chartered Bank invites football fans to participate in the "SC Cup - Road to Anfield" tournament, where the winners will get a chance to play at the iconic Liverpool FC stadium. Read more about the 5th draw of the competition and how to register for this exciting opportunity.

  2. Are you a fan of Liverpool FC? Do you want to witness their home game at Anfield? Find out how the Uganda Civil Aviation Authority team won the Standard Chartered Cup 2019 and got the chance to travel to Liverpool for an unforgettable experience. Learn more about the Standard Chartered Cup and how you can participate in the next edition.

  3. 4 天前 · 渣打银行倾情打造利物浦球迷专属APP – StandRed;. 我们诚邀球迷们在每个利物浦英超日的比赛加入我们,一起呐喊加油;. 在利物浦的比赛火热进行同时,我们也努力优化APP内的多项功能,为球迷们带来更多创意互动体验,继续在新赛季力挺“红军”:. 全新界面 ...

  4. 31 March 2017. Unaudited Quarterly Regulatory Disclosure. 31 December 2016. Detailed breakdown of capital components - Transition disclosures template. Countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) ratio standard disclosure template. Reconciliation between accounting and regulatory balance sheets. Leverage Ratio. Liquidity Coverage Ratio.

  5. Delivering on our commitments. This time last year, I said that Standard Chartered stood at an inflection point, poised for sustainable and higher-returning growth. Guided by the refreshed strategic priorities we set for ourselves in 2019, we are now delivering on that promise. Read the Group Chief Executive’s statement in full.

  6. 成功登記將不能取消。如客戶提交多於一次登記,是次登記將取代以往記錄。請留意本行只會使用於推廣期內最後一次之登記 ...

  7. 憑渣打銀行MANHATTAN 白金信用卡簽賬每港幣1元可享0.5%現金回贈或賺取1積分,更可於全港精選飲食、購物及潮流生活熱點享全年優惠。立即申請。