雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1 GBP =

    9.904 HKD

  2. 2020年1月22日 · The ¥1,000 is the smallest denomination of Japanese bills, and is worth about US$9 (or €8). Japanese banknotes are all different sizes, which makes them quite easy to tell apart. The ¥1,000 is 76 x 150 millimeters (about 3 x 6 inches). On one side is the famed Japanese bacteriologist, Dr. Hideyo Noguchi.

  3. 2019年4月10日 · We broke down the denominations and some interesting facts about Japanese currency in a previous article, so this time we'll focus on the notes that are soon to change—the ¥1,000, ¥5,000 and ¥10,000, plus the ¥500 coin—and see how they compare to their counterparts, which have been in circulation since 2004.

  4. 日本的便利超商真的是名副其實的"便利"。而其中不能錯過的便利商店正是"Lawson"(羅森) 1977年,Lawson決定開始提供24小時的服務。自那時開始,其服務涵蓋層面越來越廣。 今天要介紹我們住家的好鄰居Lawson便利商店的六大超棒的服務。

  5. 2回払い(兩次還款)or 分割払い(多次還款). 兩次還款就是分次還款,每個月還款兩次,比如上旬一次,中旬一次,或分兩個月還清。. 與此類似的方式還有「分割払い(多次還款)」,也就是將消費金額分成幾次償還,大多是時間跨度在兩個月以上、還款次 ...

  6. 隨著日幣匯率溜滑梯,身旁的朋友也有好多人接連拜訪京都,帶來帶去都是那幾樣伴手禮,有沒有其他更新穎的選擇呢?接著就讓我們看看當地人推薦,充實一下下趟旅程的口袋名單吧!

  7. 2019年4月17日 · iDeCo accounts were created by the government to encourage individuals to save and invest their hard-earned cash for retirement. They are similar to 401k accounts in the U.S. but the contribution limits are lower—between ¥12,000 and ¥68,000 (about US$100 to $600) per month, depending on your employment status.

  8. 2022年12月16日 · 秋冬之際,最完美的紓壓方式無非是一趟治癒身心靈的溫泉之旅了!除了草津、下呂、別府八湯、道後這些熱門溫泉外,擁有悠久歷史與絕佳海景的伊豆溫泉,絕對也是不能錯過的渡假勝地。得天獨厚的伊豆半島,在日本觀光經濟新聞社 2021 年舉辦的「第 35 屆日本溫泉 100 選」中,就有 6 處溫泉鄉 ...

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