雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Earthquake Report (Local) Origin Time: 2023/07/23 00:40:32 Epicenter: 24.04 N, 121.61 E 6.0 km NNW of Hualien County Hall Focal depth: 8.4 km Magnitude (M L): 3.3 Intensity

  2. 海象資訊服務全書下載

  3. 災害性天氣指可能造成生命或財產損失之颱風、大雨、豪雨、雷電、冰雹、濃霧、龍捲風、強風、低溫、焚風、乾旱等天氣 ...

  4. Observe Time Temperature Weather WindDir Wind BS m/s Gust BS m/s Visibility (km) Humidity (%) Pressure (hPa) Rainfall (mm) Sunshine

  5. A typhoon is a violent tropical cyclone, in meteorological term, which is a low pressure system occurring in tropical oceans. The winds above the ground circulate around the center counterclockwise for a typhoon occurring in the northern hemisphere and clockwise ...

  6. 海流是海水受天體星球的吸引、風吹、太陽照射、密度差異、地球自轉等作用與地形影響而產生的流動。全球海表層海流分布 ...

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