雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 【瞭解更多關於“昂坪360纜車”】 ] 天壇大佛的正面. 前往昂坪市集和天壇大佛. 沿著 昂坪市集 ,你將會首先來到 昂坪廣場 和菩提路。 天壇大佛的入口就在菩提路的盡頭。 想要登上長長的階梯,你要先征服268級台階。 在香港濕熱炎熱的環境下,這268級台階爬起來比想象的要艱難些。 累了就停下來拍張照吧! 通往天壇大佛平台的268級台階. 旅行TIPS: 對於行動不便的遊客可以通過階梯旁邊的環繞上升的小路登上天壇大佛平台。 在場的工作人員會向你提供熱情的幫助。 當你最終抵達天壇大佛平台,你會首先看見圍繞著天壇大佛的6個小的銅制佛像,稱為“ 六天母像 ”,分別手持花、香、燈、塗、果、樂,表達對大佛的敬意,代表著六波羅密——佈施,持戒,忍辱,精進,禪定和智慧。

  2. 天星小輪或叮叮電車. 尖沙咀天星小輪. 如果你住在九龍區(例如尖沙咀,紅磡或旺角),我們建議你在尖沙咀維港乘坐 天星小輪 一游。. 天星小輪是香港最著名的標誌之一,船費只需港幣$ 2.5/程(週末為港幣$ 3/程)。. 記得乘坐天星小輪的上層前往中環。. 尖沙 ...

  3. 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館. 位於凌霄閣的P1的 香港杜莎夫人蠟像館 給你與100多位名人近距離相處和拍照的機會。 無論是影視明星,政壇人物,電影形象還是體壇明星,你都有機會在這裡找到。 你可以在蠟像館的官方網站查找你感興趣的人物蠟像。 山頂除了凌霄閣,凌霄閣對面的山頂廣場也可以逛一逛。 在沒有凌霄閣之前,山頂廣場是人們觀賞山頂美景的最佳去處。 在凌霄閣和山頂廣場之間,你會看到一個廢棄的山頂纜車車廂,供遊人休息和照相。 山頂廣場裡有很多商店和餐廳,甚至頂樓還有一家國際幼兒園。

  4. 你首先要準備好爬上430級台階和一段陡峭的上山小路。 沿路你會經過幾十個金色的真人大小的佛像,直至你抵達萬佛殿。 名為萬佛寺,其實這裡有大約12800多尊大小佛像。 此外,這裡還有香港唯一的一座月溪法師肉身漆像,現在萬佛殿供奉。 前往萬佛寺的沿途的金色羅漢像和430個台階的小路. 前往萬佛寺的沿途的羅漢像. 沙田周圍山峰連綿,有時你會在山上碰到很多野猴坐在路邊或者在樹上玩耍,有膽大的會伸出手來向遊客所要食物。 當你最終登上山頂,你會頓時感到一片寧靜。 在這裡你可以俯瞰整個沙田和新界。 萬佛寺山頂上的金色十八羅漢. 萬佛寺山頂上的佛像. 還可以爬上9層樓的寶塔(稱為萬佛塔),拍幾張視野無阻的相片。

    • Why Visiting The Victoria Peak (The peak)?
    • When Is The Best Time to Get Up to and Visit The Peak?
    • The Popular Attractions on The Peak – What Else Are There on Victoria Peak?
    • A Bit Story Behind The Peak

    If one says Hong Kong’s best attraction is her skyline, then Victoria Peak is one of the best places to enjoy the view. Victoria Peak is the highest evaluation of Hong Kong Island with an altitude of 552m (1,811ft). It is also known as Mount Austin and its Chinese name “Tai Ping Shan” literally means “Pacific Mountain Peak” or “Mountain Peak of Gre...

    Victoria Peak can be best enjoyed at dry and clear days – be it day or night. However, you need to be prepared that haze, mist, and fog can occur and limit and restrict your views. Even on sunny days, there is often a clear visible layer of Hong Kong’s air pollution hanging on top of the skyscrapers. Also you can experience low hanging clouds which...

    Peak Tram is not the only way getting up to the Peak. However, it is definitely the best. Not only because of the great city view, the fastest way to the Peak, but also due to its long history and...
    The Peak Tower sits at 396 meters above sea level. It is not only one of Hong Kong’s most stylish and modern architectural buildings, but also a complex of both leisure and shopping.It houses two o...
    The open-air Sky Terrace 428 is the highest outdoor 360 degree viewing deck in Hong Kong and located on the top of The Peak Tower with an altitude of 428 meters above sea level. Hence the number 42...
    Madame Tussauds Hong Kong opened in 2000 and is the first branch of the wax figure museum in Asia. Today’s Madame Tussauds provides 100 national and international lifelike wax figures that you can...

    Being the highest point on Hong Kong Island, Victoria Peak has been used as a natural signalling post for incoming cargo ships in the nineteenth century. During the early 20th century, it served as an exclusive residential area for expats only. The only way you could get up was by foot or by Peak Tram (since 1888). The foreign expatriates decided o...

  5. 雖然我們希望你的香港之行一路順風,開開心心,但是為謹慎起見,我們建議你記下以下的電話號碼,以防萬一。. 緊急電話(警察,救護車,消防): 999. 從手機的緊急電話: 112 or 999. 警局熱線: + (852) 2527 7177. 香港國際機場熱線: + (852) 2181 8888. 香港旅遊發展 ...

  6. 前九廣鐵路鐘樓(尖沙咀鐘樓)(Clock Tower). 尖沙咀鐘樓(Clock Tower) 位於尖沙咀南部,緊鄰 維多利亞港 ,正式全稱為前九廣鐵路鐘樓,也是香港僅存的為數不多的幾個殖民時代的標誌之一,目前已經被列為香港的法定古蹟。. 尖沙咀鐘樓是由紅磚和花崗岩建成 ...

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