雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. AIA provides comprehensive pension solutions which gain industry recognition and fulfils the needs of corporate and individual customers. Here's why: Extensive experience in managing MPF, ORSO, and Macau Pension schemes. Strong financial background. Diverse range of funds.

  2. 友邦強積金僱主可下載強積金表格及指引,輕鬆了解友邦退休基金的相關資料。. 請按此瀏覽表格,並查閱其他相關資料。.

  3. 友邦保險為僱主提供全面的強積金 / 公積金 / 澳門退休金方案,讓您輕鬆符合法例要求,同時為僱員提供多元化的投資選擇和優質的客戶服務。您可透過「AIA Connect / 友聯繫」網上平台,方便地管理您的退休計劃,並享受友邦保險的專業支援和顧問服務。

  4. 2. AIMHK = 友邦投資管理香港有限公司. 3. 基金類別中的股票基金 – 緊貼指數集體投資計劃 (「指數計劃」)系列為投資組合管理基金,投資於一項以上核准指數計劃。. 有關成分基金不是緊貼指數基金。. 投資涉及風險,你可能承受龐大投資損失。. 計劃內的成分 ...

  5. Overview. Highlight Features. Payment method. Get in touch. MPF Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution. MPF mandatory contributions alone may not be enough for a comfortable retirement.

  6. Learn how to file a claim for your medical expenses with AIA Hong Kong, the leading insurance company in the region. Find the right claim form, submit your documents and track your claim status online.

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