雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Spyware. Spyware is software that monitors and records your internet behaviour without your knowledge or consent. Some spyware may even redirect your internet session through its own server, allowing criminals to potentially extract your personal credentials such as your username, password and credit card numbers.

  2. | 網絡安全及防詐騙資訊 - 香港滙豐. 如何分辨假冒來電? 如何避免成為電話騙案的受害人. 香港滙豐. 協助. 網路安全及防詐騙資訊中心. 如何分辨假冒來電? 來電者可能自稱是滙豐或其他金融機構的職員,並可能會邀請您申請私人貸款或信用卡。 如接到報稱來自知名金融機構的來電,務必加以核實。 應嘗試向來電者索取更多資料:詢問他們所屬部門的名稱及辦公室電話號碼,以及他們是如何取得您的電話號碼和戶口資料。 若他們不願意透露,便應終止對話。 您亦可致電滙豐熱線電話以核實來電者的身份。 在任何情況下,都不應向來電者披露敏感個人資料。 滙豐絕不會以電話或電郵方式向您索取任何敏感個人資料。 有欺詐成份的來電的識別指引. 保安錦囊. 來電透過預先錄制的語音訊息通知您的銀行戶口或信用卡出現異常狀況.

  3. 簡單來說,匪徒會訛稱是受害人本人而致電流動服務供應商,稱自己遺失SIM卡或電話並且想補領SIM卡。 若他博得職員相任,服務供應商便會停用受害人的SIM卡並向騙徒補發新卡,隨後,他便可執行需要經一次性密碼授權的交易。 如您發現裝置的網絡連線中斷,並且在異常 長時間內並無來電或文字訊息,便應提高警覺並即時與服務供應商聯絡。 此外,請更改用以連接流動服務入口網站的密碼。 這是因為騙徒只需成功登入某些流動服務供應商提供的網上服務入口網站,便能啟動短訊轉寄服務或查詢短訊內容。 亦建議您在接連收到不明來電後切勿關掉電話:可能是有人故意多次致電以誘使您關機,令您及後難以察覺裝置連線被人截停。 維護您的裝置. 在手提電話和平板電腦上安裝並不時更新防毒軟件和防間諜軟件。

  4. This is what is known as a “social engineering scam”. Sometimes the story will be about tax evasion. Other times the con artists will claim that your relative is in serious legal trouble. But in general with these scams, criminals pose as officials and try to get you to share your bank details, or to transfer money directly to them.

  5. Help. Cyber security and fraud hub. Avoid falling prey to WhatsApp scams. Hong Kong police have received more than 600 reports of WhatsApp fraud since 2017. Worse still, victims have lost more than HKD9 million to swindlers in that time – HKD2.7 million in the first three months of 2019 alone.

  6. 還記得那次報失信用卡後,它卻再次出現了嗎?現在有另一個選擇 – 您可以暫時封鎖信用卡,並於找到它時解鎖。 所有信用卡交易包括流動支付及自動櫃員機功能將會被封鎖 。現有的直接付款、定期自動轉賬 、常行指示及若干感應式付款交易將不會受影響。

  7. First of all, you will need to get the Death Certificate. Together with the other additional supporting documents, we should be able to provide you with a list of bank accounts held in the name of the deceased with HSBC as at the date of death. You may then arrange to obtain either a Grant of Representation or Confirmation Notice, depending on ...