雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. GFI-CF-2014-V01 總公司:香港德輔道中 71 號永安集團大廈八樓 電話:2867 0888 傳真:3906 9921 HEAD OFFICE: 8/F., WING ON HOUSE, 71 DES VOEUX ROAD CENTRAL, HONG KONG. TEL.: 2867 0888 FAX: 3906 9921 高爾夫球保險索償表格高爾夫球

  2. 中銀集團保險將繼續以多元化的產品、眾多的銷售渠道、緊貼巿場的發展策略及經營方針,為客戶提供優質、專業的服務。中銀集團保險主要經營的險種有:火險、財產一切險、現金險、船舶險、盜竊險、運輸險(海上、陸路、航空)、汽車險、僱員賠償險、公眾責任險、建築工程全險、旅行綜合險 ...

  3. 以會員身份登入投保,可盡享本公司一系列私人化、定制化電子服務,包括保單查閱、理賠申請及理賠進度查詢等。 註 1.此服務不適用於以往不經此網上投保本保單的客戶。 2.申請必須持有仍然生效之「 」保單。 (保單生效日首日為此保單出發日當天)

  4. www5.bocgins.com › untrv › indexFlow Illustration

    1. The Journey must be departed from Hong Kong. 2. The Insured Person(s) must be aged between 6 weeks and 80 years. 3. The individual application for insurance is required for persons aged 18 or above. 4. The application must be duly signed by a parent or

  5. If you have any doubt on what should be disclosed in this Proposal Form, please contact Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited (named below as “BOCG Insurance”) Hotline (852) 3187 5100 for the interests of the Insured Person. Failure to disclose may mean that the policy will not provide the Insured Person with the coverage required ...

  6. Extend Period of Insurance (Only applicable to local domestic helper plan) Login / Register Logout 繁 简 En

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