雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年4月24日 · 活期存款是一種銀行儲蓄產品允許儲戶隨時存入或提取資金同時賺取利息不用面臨罰款或限制這種存款模式靈活及方便幫助投資者可短期儲蓄增值並隨時運用金錢應付開支

  2. 2023年2月21日 · 虛擬銀行定期利率優惠. ZA Bank 眾安銀行. Airstar Bank 天星銀行. Fusion Bank 富融銀行. PAOB 平安壹賬通銀行. Mox Bank.

    • Allow Immediate Money Transferral
    • Make Easy Payments
    • Offer Attractive Rebates
    • Offer High-Interest Rates
    • Allow Multi-Currency Savings
    • Good Rates & Multi-Currency For Fixed Deposits

    Transferring money in and out of the virtual banks was generally easy once it was set up. Some of them do not have branch codes which makes it a little more complicated. Yet, FPS is available and the transaction is reflected immediately. Users should be reminded that a few transactions may be needed when transferring large amounts of money due to t...

    Banks such as Livi, Mox, WeLab, and ZA provide different payment gateways to spend money. Some allow you to add a virtual debit card to Apple Pay or Google Pay (ZA only lets you use Apple Pay at the time of writing). Livi uses UnionPay as well. Some (Mox, WeLab, ZA) send you a plastic card to use. You can check all of your transactions on the app, ...

    These virtual banks usually offer quite attractive rebates to their customers whenever they make transactions. Different forms of rebates and rebates rates may change from time to time and depend on promotions. Here are some rebates that the virtual banks are offering at the time of writing: 1. Mox gives you a rebate of 0.5% 2. Livi gives you (with...

    Virtual Banks may pay you higher interest rates in HKD compared to your usual bank. If you have spare cash and want to maximise your returns, the following sequence may work for you (depending on how much you have to spare): 1. $20,000 in Airstar (earns 3.6% p.a. for 95 days) 2. $20,000 in Ant – open a Libre account (earns 2% p.a.) 3. $50,000 in Li...

    Airstar, Fusion and ZA provide you with savings accounts in Renminbi (CNY) and US Dollars (USD) if that is something you want. In CNY, the best rate is given by Fusion (1% pa) and in USD the best rate is provided by Airstar (0.10% pa).

    Time deposits are available in CNY and USD in Airstar, Fusion, and ZA while HKD fixed deposits are available from Airstar, Fusion, ZA, and WeLab. The tenors vary across banks and depend on the currency. 1. For example, in Renminbi (CNY), Fusion has good rates at short tenors while Airstar has good rates at longer tenors. 2. In USD, Airstar gives yo...

  3. 2021年2月23日 · 現時市面上有多間虛擬銀行暫時只有 ZA Bank 及 平安壹賬通 設有公司戶口服務虛擬銀行的開戶及業務往來收費幾乎全免手續簡單只需要使用手機或於網上就能完成開戶方便初創公司或小額資金往來的網店

  4. 2021年6月10日 · 金融科技Fintech無疑是近十年最炙手可熱的發展領域由虛擬保險支付平台到加密貨幣全球都湧現出色的金融科技獨角獸。. 作者 曾俊華 John Tsang. 日期 2021-06-10. 更新 2022-05-13. 分享. 曾俊華相信金融科技早就融入在香港人的日常生活之中,簡單如用八達通 ...

  5. 2020年4月2日 · 1. 可以分享你和團隊找到現時市場上的主要痛處是甚麼嗎作為虛擬銀行保險公司你的商業模式如何回應這些痛處」? 香港的保險業多年不變但其實我們的行為早已改變。 生活中大小事務,不少已可在網上或透過手機辦妥,唯獨保險遲遲仍未跑出。 我和團隊認為香港保險市場最大的痛處是「保障缺口」。 本地保險銷售多年來的着眼點是投資類的產品,市場並非由純保障的產品主導,超過 9 成的保費收入都是來自前者。 我們認為香港最需要的,反而是簡單的人壽及醫療保險產品。 利用網上平台及大數據,虛擬保險公司可以迅速分銷簡單而低門檻的保險產品,照顧以往被市場忽略的客戶群,最重要的是去填補市場上的保障缺口。 2. 你認為科技會取代保險代理嗎? 這條問題不易回答。

  6. 2024年4月17日 · 貨幣基金(又稱貨幣市場基金,英文︰money market funds)是短期、流動性高而回報穩定的基金,投資範圍包括現金、現金等價證券、短期到期的高信用評級債務證券,如美國國庫證券,適合一些比較保守的投資者。 以下是一些貨幣基金的例子,從中可見它們投資分佈都主要集中在低風險的投資工具︰. 貨幣基金 vs 定期存款. 購買貨幣基金有甚麼收費? 貨幣基金是眾多基金種類的一種,所以在認購時都會收取一般基金收費︰. 為了吸引投資者使用其平台購買貨幣基金,現時大多基金公司或交易平台都不會收取贖回費,當中部分基金平台或銀行更同時免收認購費,從而減輕客戶的投資成本。 投資貨幣基金的風險高嗎? 貨幣基金雖然屬於低風險投資,但也不能完全忽視其風險︰. 利率風險. 流動風險. 信貸風險.