雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年5月17日 · 高地 深度旅遊 愛媛 香川 德島 四國地區. pixta.jp. 2021年11月,世界知名旅遊指南《孤獨星球(Lonely Planet)》公佈了2022年推薦旅行目的地名單,日本「四國地區」獲選為最佳地區第6名,也是日本2022年唯一獲選,是什麼樣的魅力,讓四國從全日本、全世界中 ...

  2. 2020年6月16日 · The city of Mitaka in the Tokyo suburbs started carrying out PCR tests Monday, June 14, to prepare for a possible second wave of novel coronavirus infections. The facility can conduct both drive-through and walk-up testing, mainly using saliva samples. The center will be open two hours per day, three days a week.

  3. 2022年7月27日 · Hokokuji was the family temple of both the Ashikaga and Uesugi clans. It was established in 1334—a time of great turbulence and unrest in Japan— by the priest Tengan Eko. The temple was founded in order to commemorate Ashikaga Ietoki, grandfather of Ashikaga Takauji, who became the first shogun of the Ashikaga Shogunate.

  4. 地址:東京都新宿區新宿3-26-11. 營業時間:11:00~21:30(周日~21:00) 交通訊息:JR新宿站徒歩5分. 天婦羅|天ぷら船橋屋(1886年創業) https://www.instagram.com/p/BL0InidAY6r/?tagged=%E5%A4%A9%E3%81%B7%E3%82%89%E8%88%B9%E6%A9%8B%E5%B1%8B. 創業於1886年的「 天ぷら船橋屋 」是天婦蘿的百年老店,秉持「好食材、好手藝、好油」的三好原則,選擇當季的新鮮食材,在職人細膩的挑選、處理後,放入經過三天三夜傳統製法的純芝麻油來油炸。 不論是脆口彈壓的明蝦,還是鬆軟綿密的紅薯,搭配上芝麻油迷人的香氣與嚴選藻塩,食材的美味透過單純的調味更加誘人。

  5. 2016年1月11日 · The Sapporo Snow Festival, or Yuki Matsuri, is held annually in early February. Featuring intricate snow and ice sculptures on a monumental scale—including pop culture icons and near-life-sized replicas of famous structures—it draws over 2 million visitors each year. The festival is spread across three sites in Sapporo City: Odori Park ...

  6. 2019年3月18日 · The standard Japanese toilet seat has an array of functions that might look a little confusing at first. Press the wrong button while trying to flush and you may get a surprise spray of water up your backside. Find out below a breakdown of the different functions in Japanese and their English translations.

  7. 而瀰漫著悠閒又美好的市集氛圍也是別處所感受不到的!. 手創り市 鬼子母神・大鳥神社. 開市地點:雑司ケ谷 鬼子母神堂 (第一場地) / 大鳥神社 (第二場地) 地址 : 東京都豊島區雑司が谷3丁目15-20. 開市時間:每月的第三個星期日 (詳細舉辦時間請見官網公布 ...

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