雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Learn how Standard Chartered Uganda performed in 2019 with our annual report, financial statements and other disclosures.

  2. 2017年10月10日 · 10 Oct 2017. Standard Chartered Bank today officially opened its new Global Business Services (GBS) centre in Bengaluru. The new centre will complement Standard Chartered’s existing GBS centres in China, India and Malaysia which collectively provide employment opportunities to 19,000 talented people. Over the next few years, the Bank expects ...

  3. 定儲利率指數:1.59% 指數生效日:113年2月20日 指數有效期間:113年2月20日至113年5月19日 定儲利率指數計息方式: 1、定儲利率指數: 係參考九家銀行 (包括臺銀、土銀、合庫、國泰世華、中信銀、兆豐、台北富邦、台新、永豐)一年期定期儲蓄存款平均機動 ...

  4. 至Smart 「 3免」3個月分期. 免手續費,免利息, 免分期次數限制。. 盡情消費,輕鬆還款!. 幾個簡單步驟,即可將任何HK$500或以上信用卡零售簽賬分三個月免息免手續費攤還。. 例子:. 簽賬金額:HK$9,000. 還款期:3個月. 每月還款額= HK$9,000 / 3 = $ 3,000. 總還款額=HK$9,000.

  5. 2024年4月16日 · Technical, business, interpersonal & wellness training. Future skills development workshops & career mapping strategies. Targeted learning curriculums, across a variety of delivery modes. Inspiring thought leadership engagements and speaker events with Senior Executives. Exposure and networking opportunities across matrixed business at all levels.

  6. Move your money in 30 seconds with FAST via Standard Chartered Mobile or Online Banking anytime, anywhere. *FAST transfers are only available for Singapore dollar account transfers in Singapore between the 19 participating banks. Credit card funds transfer - Use your credit card as a cash advance facility to transfer funds easily between your ...

  7. 客戶於第一期套現金額誌賬之7個日曆日後不可要求更改或取消套現分期計劃,若果客戶要求提早還款或取消本計劃之渣打/ MANHATTAN 信用卡戶口,則餘下之套現金額及全期手續費 (即餘下期數之每月手續費)須立即全數繳付。. 此外,銀行須收取相等於批核之套現金 ...