雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Read our latest insights curated to meet your investment and wealth needs, ranging from our house view, FX trends, global and regional market outlook, to sustainability insights, thought leadership articles and financial education.

  2. [3月25日] 發掘區域投資機遇. 聚焦東盟:增長前景改善. 出口開始回升,消費表現堅韌。 [4月2日] 聚焦中國:全國人大會議概覽. 在今年的全國人大會議期間,部長們詳細闡述了旨在提振經濟的具體措施。 [3月20日] 聚焦中國:龍年開局勢頭良好. 旅遊和服務支出創下新高,但人均支出下降仍反映出信心疲軟。 [3月1日] 聚焦中國:2024年五大宏觀主題.

  3. This simple guide is the perfect place to begin: we'll explore the fundamentals of investing, provide you with some important questions to determine if this is the right journey for you, and we'll cover some useful tips for beginner investors to keep in mind. What is investing? How can you make money from investing? Is investing right for you?

  4. 我應該如何理財?. 好好管理您的金錢絕對能夠幫助您達至財政穩定和自由。. 您要時刻掌握自己的財政狀況,才能應對通脹,並應付社會或經濟環境中難以預料的變化。. 了解自己的理財習慣和看待財富的態度,對財政自由十分重要。. 您可以先問問自己這些 ...

  5. Download Transcript. 不知從何入手? 想學幾門投資基本功? 就讓我們一起探討幾個投資基本概念,以及以一系列問題,測試一下您是否適合踏上這段投資之旅。 從中,您將會把握到投資的基本技巧。 投資是甚麼? 如何透過投資賺錢? 您適合投資嗎? 投資入門貼士. 投資是甚麼? 簡單來說,投資就是一個資本或資源分配的過程,在理想的情況下,它可以為您帶來收入,或隨時間升值。 長遠而言,投資所帶來的投資回報率(ROI),很大機會比您將資金存放在儲蓄戶口的回報高。 不過,凡事都沒有絕對的保證,因為投資始終涉及風險,任何投資產品的價值都會有升有跌,您最後得到的回報,甚至有機會比您的本金少。 未想好要投資甚麼?

  6. Set aside money for retirement. Set short-term and long-term financial goals (a short term goal could be paying your bills on time or cutting down your expenses). Review your finances regularly (on a weekly or bi-weekly basis). Read financial education materials to help you on your journey. Patience and persistence are key.

  7. HSBC HK. Wealth Management. Retirement planning. Get a head start to financial freedom. Over 60% of people in Hong Kong aren't confident about their retirement and aren't sure how to plan for a brighter future.

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