雅虎香港 搜尋

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  2. Book Flexible Space easily customisable with your identity, available 24/7.

    • Spaces Events

      Network, discover, enjoy - with

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    • Service Offers

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    • Office Space

      Working environment on flexible

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    • Spaces Magazine

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  3. Masterfully designed offices and meeting rooms that scale as your business needs change. See why clients have trusted Premier’s flexible office solutions for over 20 years.

  4. 逾30座優質商廈遍佈全港,為跨國企業/中小企度身訂造賃方案,盡享務優惠。歡迎查詢!


  1. The Wave is an integrated business platform incorporating event spaces, co-working spaces, serviced offices, pop-up stores and F&B floors all under one roof. The Wave’s mission goal is to help the next wave of passionate entrepreneurs and SMEs to realize their dreams and grow their businesses beyond limits.

  2. 2020年2月17日 · 17/02/2020. Ask Me Anything (AMA) 是創新又具互動性的研討會,顛覆傳統「講座」模式,鼓勵參加者在 The Wave 向嘉賓隨意發問,讓參加者主導交流。. 嘉賓會回答 Anything You Ask,並延伸問題,邀請其他參加者加入討論,透過嘉賓與參加者的互動,激發大家的想像力,共同 ...

  3. Wave Academy. Wave Academy是以學術性為主,重點圍繞著各類型企業有機會接觸的範疇,邀請不同專家為公眾進行分享或教學,務求讓每人踏進The Wave都可以獲取不同有用的知識,實踐共享理念,鼓勵終身學習﹗ The Wave舉辦各種研討會和工作坊,希望普羅大眾藉此機會 ...

  4. FOUNDER 101創業家秘笈 – Gigi Au Yeung. 09. Aug. #1 舉出1個最強大的理由去開始創業? 就踏出第一步吧! #2 列舉2個你最想多謝的人? 我的聯合創辦人兼妹妹Mandy 和我尊敬的導師劉生. #3 舉出3個你作為企業家的犧牲? 睡更少了.

  5. Serviced Office Event Space Meeting Rooms Virtual Membership Waver Community Happenings 中 Let's get in touch. Leave your details below and get more information. 1. Pick an option Coworking Space ...

  6. Level 7, The Wave, 4 Hing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong (MTR Exit B1)

  7. Serviced Office Event Space Meeting Rooms Virtual Membership Waver Community Happenings 中 Let's get in touch. Leave your details below and get more information. 1. Pick an option Coworking Space ...

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