雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 3 天前 · Tesla 於 2019 年底發表 Cybertruck 電動農夫車,破格外形震撼車壇,原本預計 2021 年交車,但交車日期一推再推。 不過,近年測試版 Cybertruck 多次被野生捕獲,日前 Tesla 終於美國時間 2023 年 11 月 30 日(香港時間 12 月 1 日)舉行交車儀式。 然而,這款全電動農夫車由外形到設備都惹來不少話題,但截至今年 9 月,有指 Cybertruck 的全球訂單已突破 200 萬張,可謂萬眾期待。 今次快而保就為大家深入了解 Cybertruck 規格及性能外,亦講解的香港交車時間及價格。 Tesla Cybertruck 全面睇.

  2. 3 天前 · Electric vehicles are a major trend in the automotive market. The Hong Kong government has unveiled a roadmap for the popularization of electric vehicles in 2021, with the aim to stop new registrations of fuel-powered private cars by 2035 or earlier.

  3. 3 天前 · The purchasing considerations for used Tesla/electric vehicles are generally similar to those for traditional gasoline cars. Apart from factors such as the vehicle's condition, mileage, exterior, brakes, and driving performance (for more details, refer to Steps in buying a used car and precautions to take in 2023), there are 5 key points to ...

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