雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. “全球客戶經理”是企業統一的業務溝通介面,負責調動和協調渣打全行的資源,全面滿足企業在所有渣打網絡覆蓋市場內的金融需求。 充分發揮廣泛的全球網絡優勢和業務專長,為客戶提供優質產品和服務,並積極參與和支持大灣區經濟和金融的高水准開放。 粵港澳大灣區業務. 在中國持續改革開放,推動建設開放型世界經濟的大背景下,承諾將粵港澳大灣區業務作為當前的戰略重點之一,渣打銀行成立了一支專門的大灣區團隊,以推進大灣區的戰略規劃、管理和業務計畫,專門為大灣區的客戶提供無縫支持和優質金融服務。 2020年,在廣州設立渣打大灣區中心。 免責聲明. 本網頁資訊由渣打集團任何一間或以上成員編製。

  2. 渣打國際商業銀行董事長及董事異動 – 渣打銀行台灣. 依據信託業法第 39 條及第 41 條規定,公告本行董事長及董事異動,特此說明。 回到頁頂. 渣打集團是領先的國際性銀行,跨足全球近六十個最蓬勃發展的市場。 我們的使命在於透過我們獨特的多元性,推動商業發展和促進繁榮,並且讓我們的傳統和價值透過品牌承諾-一心做好,始終如一,一一展現。

  3. 2024年5月30日 · 香港特別行政區政府在2024年重新推出“新資本投資者入境計劃”(“本計劃”),協助資本投資者通過在香港投資來取得居港資格。. 本計劃的申請者需要在香港投資不少於3,000萬港元的獲投資資產。.

    • Appointed
    • Career
    • External Appointments

    Mary was appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for Hong Kong in March 2017, and took on an expanded role as Cluster CEO for Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau in January 2021. She joined the Group’s Management Team in December 2021. She is currently a Board member of Standard Chartered Bank (Hong Kong) Limited and Chairperson of the Board of Standard Ch...

    Mary has over 30 years of experience in business management and banking services. Since joining the bank in 1991, she has held key positions across balance sheet product management, wealth management and distribution. Prior to her current role, Mary was the Regional Head of Retail Banking, Greater China & North Asia.

    Mary is the Vice Chairperson of the Hong Kong Association of Banks, Vice President of the Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers, and a Council Member of the Hong Kong Treasury Markets Association. She is also a member of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority’s Banking Advisory Committee and the Hong Kong Academy of Finance. Mary also serves the ...

  4. Standard Chartered Digital Banking and Automated Banking provides 24-hour banking services to take care of your financial needs, like cheque deposit and more.

  5. 5 天前 · 會籍資格會於每個月重新進行審核。. 一旦客戶不再是渣打優先私人理財客戶或渣打國泰Mastercard – 優先私人理財信用卡客戶,渣打環球禮遇會籍可能隨時被終止。. 合資格優先私人理財客戶可瀏覽 https://scglobalexperiences.tenconcierge.com 了解更多詳細訊息並預訂服務 ...

  6. 渣打夥拍宏利為你提供全港最多基金選擇的宏利強積金計劃,成分基金涵蓋股票基金(國際、區域、單一市場及行業)、債券基金(國際、區域及單一市場)、混合資產基金(生活方式及目標日期)、保證基金及貨幣市場基金等,切合不同的退休目標。. 客戶可 ...

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