雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2024年5月2日 · 這隻毛茸茸的布偶貓與桑妮住在一起,違反1項已有34年歷史的法律,該法律禁止貓進入政府建造的公寓,而絕大多數新加坡人都住在政府建造的公寓。 Luckily for Mooncake, Singapore plans to scrap the ban later this year, freeing Sunny from the threat of a S$4,000 fine or her pet’s potential eviction. 對「月餅」來說,幸運的是,新加坡計畫在今年稍後廢除這項禁令,讓桑妮免受4000新幣罰款,或她的寵物可能被驅逐的威脅。 "Cats are so much quieter than dogs.

  2. 2024年4月25日 · 約翰和美樂蒂‧軒尼詩選擇了令人興奮且划算的永久性郵輪生活,他們計畫住在一艘獨一無二的住宅式郵輪上,目前正環遊世界。 76-year-old John and 64-year-old Melody, both from Florida, sold nearly all of their belongings three years ago, including their main business and their home. 來自佛羅里達州的76歲約翰和64歲美樂蒂,在3年前賣掉幾乎所有財產,包括主要的事業和房屋。

  3. 2024年5月8日 · 2024/05/08 05:30 管淑平 South Korea is launching a high-speed train service that will reduce the travel time between central Seoul and its outskirts, a project officials hope will encourage more youth to consider homes outside the city, and start having babies. 南韓 ...

  4. 2024年5月7日 · 中英對照讀新聞》Man says his emotional support alligator, known for its big social media audience, has gone missing男子稱,作為他情感支持的短吻鱷失踪了,牠因為擁有大量社群媒體受眾而聞名. 賓州男子喬伊.亨尼表示,今年4月他去喬治亞州布倫瑞克度假時,作為他情感支持的短吻鱷失踪了。 (美聯社) 2024/05/07 05:30. 盧永山. A Pennsylvania man who credits an alligator named Wally for helping relieve his.

  5. 2024年5月4日 · Hundreds of young dancers in white tutus and tightly coiffed hair gathered in New York’s Plaza Hotel on Wednesday to break the world record for dancin 世界最大學生芭蕾舞獎學金比賽「青年美國大獎賽」17日在美國紐約廣場飯店締造353名芭蕾舞者於同一處踮起 ...

  6. 2024年4月20日 · 2024/04/20 05:30. 周虹汶. It rained marshmallows at a suburban Detroit park on Friday as children raced to snatch up thousands of the gooey treats being dropped from a helicopter. 底特律郊區一處公園週五下起棉花糖雨,孩子們爭相搶奪從直升機投下的成千上萬塊黏糊糊零食。 The annual Great Marshmallow Drop took place at Catalpa Oaks County Park in Southfield, hosted by Oakland County Parks.

  7. 2024年4月22日 · The world’s oldest man says the secret to his long life is luck, moderation — and fish and chips every Friday.世界上最年長壽的男人說,他長壽的秘訣是運氣、節制,以及每週五的炸魚薯條。